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*karin's pov*


today's the day we get things to the next level, as in we I mean Sasuke and I obviously.
Ahead of me stood Tenten taking her time putting on sunscreen, realizing I forgot mine I decide to walk up to tenten
" hey tenten, mind if I borrow some?"  

I grab the sunscreen bottle without waiting for consent. As I'm applying Tenten finally speaks up.

" I mean I guess you could as if you already have it on"
Tenten puts her goggles on and runs into the water.

Everyone begins too come out of the water because they decide to play beach volleyball

*sakura's p.o.v *

I turn to see the everyone playing some sort of game to see who gets to be captains, soon enough the contest ends and  the captains are picked,
" aw man I wanted to be a captain! " naruto says whining.
Everyone rolls their eyes as he sulks, I realize Ino and Tenten are the captains.

" Well tenten you get first pick" Ino says.

As the teams get sorted out, I notice the boys are in two groups and not in one, because of the fact they all aren't on the same team. they seemed to be scheming some sort of play for when the game begins.

" why are they acting like it's the provincials?" Temari comes up to me laughing.

" I have no idea, they take sports so serious it's unreal" i say giggling.

* the teams were 

-hinata sat out  and Lee was still having the time of his life swimming and choji was tanning (lmao) -

The game rolls down to its set point, tenten's team is in the lead by one.

" ALL RIGHT HERE IT IS, GET READY" Kiba yells while he serves over hand.

It comes toward me.

" it's a spinning fast ball but it's nothing I can't handle" I say while perfectly passing straight to the setter.

" NOTHING I DIDNT EXPECT FROM KONOHA HIGHS VOLLEYBALL CAPTAIN" Naruto says while getting ready for a spike.

gosh this kid knows how to make everyone smile.

" nice receive Sakura! " ino says while getting in position to set naruto

Naruto spikes the ball and no one on the opposing team is able to save the ball.

-We're now tied at 24-24-

" DAMMIT NEJI  WHERE ARE YOUR HOPS AT!?" Kiba yells upset that neji couldn't block narutos spike.

" Kiba shut up IT WAS DESTINY" neji says while defending himself

"boys settle down " jiraiya says.

It was Sai's turn to serve, I look over too the other side and karin has been trying to get sasukes attention the whole time.

The ball went over straight to Karin, but her trying to  get sasukes attention wasn't paying attention.

" KARIN WATCH OUT!" Tenten yells.

By the time Karin looks forward the ball hits her straight in the face, everyone went quiet before they bursted out laughing.

Karin's face went so red it was more red than her hair.

When the laughter died down, Sai said sorry in the most un emotional way, though you could tell he tried.

We leaded by one, we needed to get one more point so the game was over.

This times Sai's serve went to sasuke, Sasuke isn't the greatest at volleyball but he managed to keep it in the court, after Tentens spike Temari was able to save it before it hit the ground.

" Sakura! This ones for you!" Ino yelled and set it back.

I began to run forward to jump and spike.

The spike was successful as it hit in the back corner.

" YAHOOOO! WE WON!" naruto celebrates.

" all right kids, time to pack up and head on home" jiraiya yells.


Unfortunately no progress was made in Sasuke and Sakuras relationship as to getting to know one another. Karin's plan to become closer to Sasuke has failed and resulted in getting herself embarrassed and being ignored, but that won't stop her.



I'm so sorry it's soooooo late // short, I've been hella busy ( like always ) /// I've been on a writers block ( as you can see from this short chapter) LIKE IVE BEEN WRITING THIS CHAPTER SEEN JANUARY AND ITS SO BAD OMG, I half promise that the next chapter will be longer * I hope *

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