Back to School party

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Dear Diary

So today in school I met this really cute guy Jacob, and I sit by him in every class because all of the teachers say that we have the same sitting arrangement in every class. But he is really nice and sweet to me. There is a back to School or for me a welcome to school party tonight and I'm going with my new friends, Alyson, Emmy, Jammy, and Amber. They are all really nice to me and we all share a dorm room together so I guess they have to be, but that's all tonight. Bye

So later I checked up with my friends and we all went to the party together. It was a semi Formal party so i wore a blue tank top dress with a cute brown belt, Amber wore a long red dress with sparkles, Jammy wore a Black lace dress with black vans, Alyson wore a black floral tank dress and it was so cute on her, and Emmy wore a gold shiny dress with 2inch heels.

When we got to the party we all went to the sigh up sheet, we all got sighed in and then we went to the snack table. When we were over by the snack table, the boys came over to welcome us. We all said hi to each other and we all went to dance.

"Hey, Catherine, you look nice tonight." said Jacob

"Thanks, you look nice tonight too." I said

"Um, I am going to find Alyson." I said

"Bye Jacob." .

"Wait Catherine, don't go yet." he said

"Ok, what is it." I said

"Um,well I I I." he said

"You what?" I said

"Clair Catherine, come here!" Yelled Alyson

"Ok,I'll be right there." I yelled back

"I got to go, bye Jacob,." I said very fast

"Bye." he also said very fast

After that I ran over to Alyson, they all kept asking me what I was talking about with Jacob.

I just said "We just talked about stuff"

"Oh sure" Jammy said as she started to grin

"Jammy stop it!" I yelled at her

"Fine, fine meany!" she said that as she stuck her tongue at me

I stuck my tongue back at her, then we all started to laugh. We all started to dance with each other. By the end of the night we all were exhausted. We went to our doorm room and started to change into our PJ's. We all started to get into bed after we changed and started to talk about the dance and our first day of school.

"So, Catherine do you like Jacob." said Amber

"I don't know, I barely know him, I just met him today?" I said kinda quiet

"Well still, do you think he likes you?" said Emmy

"Like i said before I don't know! " I said annoyed

"Wow, a little jumpy aren't we!" said Amber

"Guys, can we just go asleep, PLEASE!" I said almost yelling

"Fine." all the girls said together

"But this conversation is not over!" said Emmy

Jammy agreed with Emmy and so did Amber. Alyson really did not like talking about this stuff so we tried not to do it A lot. We all went to sleep except me, i laid awake in my bed thinking of the dance and Jacob. I guessed I liked him, but I did not know for sure. So I got out my diary and reading light and started to write.

Dear Diary

Tonight was the dance and Jacob came up to talk to me in the beginning of the dance, I think I like him and I think he likes me back but I don't know because it is only our first day at school so I don't know. I can't sleep, I just keep thinking about the dance. So nobody knows this but my dad is in the military and I am scared for him because of the war going on, my mom says thats why she sent me here, so I would be safe but I was totally safe at home but I should get to bed. Goodnight


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