Dad comes

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So I hope you liked m three chapters before.

The student council thing did really happen but we did not become enemy's but we did kinda fight


Three day time skip

I woke up extra extra early that morning . My dad was coming to see me today I thought to myself. I could not keep the excitement in so I screamed


"What?" Alyson says steeply

"Ohh, sorry guys, but my dad is coming today." I yell

"So what, it is not like you have not seen him for a year." Alyson says


Me ignoring her because we are still enemy's,

"Well, I actually have not seen him for a year." I say kinda quietly

Sitting up and looking at me strange Alyson says

"What do you mean you have not seen your dad for a year?"

"Um, well my dad is in the military and he is fighting in the war and this weekend he gets to come home." I say shaky

"What!" Everyone in the room yells

"Wait, you guys are awake?" I say

"Yea, we have been listening to your whole conversation, anyways what about your dad?" Says Amber

"How come you did not tell us?" Asks jammy

I stared to tear up as I ran out of the room into the hall. And while I was running i herd yelling behind me and all of a sudden i was on the ground with jammy standing over me.

"Clair Catherine John!"

I started crying this time. As the other finally caught up, jammy got off me and helped me up. Then I turned around and started running again. I knew that jammy was going to catch me I ran into the elevator and shut the door behind me. I pushed the very top level of the building button or the level 10 button and started crying even harder. When I got to level ten the door opened to a mad but worried Jammy , Alyson, Amber and Emmy.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled

They all came on to the elevator and sat by me while Emmy pressed the level 3 button were our room was.

"Catherine, what happened back there?" Alyson said while breathing heavy

"I don't want to talk about it." I yell at her and stand up going by the door

They all look at each other trying to figure out what to do, then all of a sudden the door opens to go to our floor, I start sprinting down the hall into the women's bathroom locking the door behind me. I here banging on the door and then a lot of talking outside the door.

"Clair." A familiar voice says

"What!" I yell back

"Come out of the bathroom, it's not a hiding place." Th voice says

"NO!"i scream

I started crying again and screaming at the same time.

"Clair,Clair calm down you are ok." The voice says

And at that moment i realize who the voice belongs to it was my dad. I jump up and open the door and there he is at the door i run into his arms and start hugging him.

"Daddy, I missed you!" I say

"I missed you to." My dad says

"Now let's get you cleaned up." He says

"Ok." I say

"Girls bring her back to your guys room and get her cleaned up." My dad says.

Alyson comes over to me and raps her arm around my shoulder and says

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up for breakfast."

When we get to our room I noticed that all of the boys were looking at us. They must of herd me screaming I thought to myself.

"What are you looking at!" Yells Amber and jammy at the same time

I started kinda laughing because it was pretty funny. As I get changed a bunch of questions were being ask to me but I zoned them all out and was thinking of what could I do today with my dad to make the best dad day ever.

"Clair Catherine John!" Jammy yells at me while shaking me

I just turn away and walk out the door. Then Jammy comes in front of me and says

"Ware are you going." She yells at me

I just walk around her smiling while I cross my arms and head toward the elevator. As I get in the elevator behind me comes in Jammy, Alyson, Emmy and Amber. I kinda make a frown face and then I zone off again ignoring whatever they are saying to me. When I get down to the first floor i look for my dad. He is sitting at a table in the sitting area. I go and sit by him and we start taking about school and the military. Then he says a sentence that shocks me.

"Clair you are not safe."

"What do you mean I'm not safe?" I say kinda confused

"You are not safe, people are after you, you have to come with me back to the base so I can protect you."

"NO! I won't come!" I yell as I, standing up

Everyone turns to look at me.

"You can teach me here to protect my self!" I day as I'm sitting down

"Clair, I can't do that." He says sad

"Yes you can, I'm a quick learner, please dad I can't leave this place, I have student council to win, I have friends here who care about me, I have classes, I can't leave not now!" I say

I start to run away from the table as my dad stands up and puts his head down onto his hands. I run outside thinking to myself I have done a lot of running already today. Then I run into the back of the school were i start pacing back and forth just thinking to my self what to do about the situation. Then I feel something touch me and I turn around and punch the person right in the stomach.

"Oww!" I see Amber laying on the ground

"Oh my gosh, I. So sorry Amber i though you were someone else." I say embarrassed

Right beside Amber i see jammy, Alyson and Emmy laughing. Then jammy comes up to me and grabs me and says

"Sit down! You are not leaving till you tell us what is wrong!"

"Yea, keep dreaming Jammy " I scream

"Jammy let her go!" Yells Alyson

As soon as jammy lets me go I sprint off in a random direction. As I'm running I here Jammy right behind me saying

"Look what you did Alyson!"

I turn a sharp right into the building. I see my dad out of the corner of my eye. I run Into an elevator were I know I'm safe from people at least for now.

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