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Dear diary

I had a horrible weekend. I found put that I'm not safe here, people are after me, my friends will not even leave me alone for a second. I'm just mad and to make my day even worse I have school. Well I got to go. Talk to you later bye.

( announcement )

"Dear students, today we have off. It is a teacher grading day." The person says

"Yes! No school!" My friends say

"Hey, Catherine you still have not told us what is wrong!"says jammy

"Yea, you have not talked to anyone this whole weekend!" Said Alyson

"Leave me alone!" I shout

I start walking out of the room into the hallway. I here footsteps behind and I thought it was just jammy so I kept going forward. Then a hand touched my shoulder. I turned around and was about to punch the person in the stomach when a hand stopped me. I looked up to see who that hand belonged to and to my surprise it was Jacob.

"Violent, aren't we this morning." He says

"Whatever." I say as I start to turn away and walk to the elevator

"Catherine, CATHERINE, CLAIR!" He yells at me

I just ignore him and keep on walking to the elevator. He keeps yelling at me then all of a sudden he calls me "The Name"

"Reese's pieces!"

I stop in my place, I was shocked i have not herd that name in forever. I guess he knew I was mad because I turned around and started walking towards him. He starts backing up saying

"Calm down, calm down!"

I finally get up to him grab his shirt and I'm about to punch him when I say.

"Where did you hear that name!"

"I don't know, ware I heard that name." He says scared

I feel a hundred gazes on me and him. So I let go I look around and start to back up were I run into Amber.

"Clair are you ok?" She says

I start turning around in place as I'm turning all these thoughts come into my head. My dad, moving, away, that name, my brother, and not being safe. I look around, it looks like people are talking but I could not hear them, I saw there mouths moving but no words came out. Then all of a sudden everything went black. I felt like I was falling, I felt a big crash. I had fainted.

The next thing I know is I'm in the nurses office with a ice pack on my head. I started to open my eyes and the first thing i see is Emmy looking at me and smiling. She says

"She is awake!"

Then I hear a bunch of footsteps and all of a sudden i see Jammy, Alyson, and Amber looking at me. They were all saying at once

"What was that!"

"What happened!"

"What is going on!"

"Girls, girls let her rest, she hit her head pretty hard on the ground!" The nurse says

"What did happen?" I asked

"You fainted!" Says Emmy

"What, why!" I say surprised

"We don't know thats what we were trying to ask you!" Says jammy

I thought about it a little while, then I remembered what Jacob called me.

"Reese's pieces." I said

"What?" Alyson asks

All of a sudden i feel a tear run down my face and me starting to cry. I just noticed that my head was hurting. I was crying and my head was hurting what could be worse i thought.

"Catherine? What's wrong?" Says Amber

I just start crying even more.

"Can I go back to my own room please?" I ask the nurse

"Yes sweetheart, but keep that ice pack on your head." She says

As I get up I just fall right back down on the bed, then i feel two arms come around my arms and start helping me walk. At this point I did not care who I saw or what anyone said to me, I just wanted to sleep. When we got to our room I went I. And claimed in bed. Then Alyson ask me a question.

"Clair, what happened? And what does that name mean?"

I felt a tear come down my face again, I wipe it away and say

" I guess I should tell you guys. That name is a name my brother used to call me all the time, three years ago my brother died in a car accident. And the last word he said TK me in the hospital was Reese's pieces. And now every time i hear that name i start to cry and I remember that moment. So now you know, now stop asking me about it and let me sleep!"

"Oh my gosh clair, I'm so so sorry for you!" Says Alyson

"Clair I had no idea, I'm so sorry for you!" Says Jammy

"We are always here for you if you need to talk," says Amber

"Thanks guys." I say sleepily

"Hey Clair I'm really sorry for you." Says Emmy

"Goodnight." I say as I start to drift off to sleep

I here a little talking before I'm really asleep. I hear,

"We have to help her, that is so sad!"

"We do, I don't want her to faint again!"

"Maybe we should call her dad?"

"Are you kidding remember what happened when her dad came!"

"Well it is worth a try, right?"

"Yea, I guess so, but we should go and let her sleep."

I tried to make out on who said what but I was just to tired. So I started to go to sleep.

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