Chapter 12

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ok here ye go, new chapter up for all to enjoy, hope ye all like it! Ohh and could someone possibly vote, comment, fan? I'm starting to get worried, is my book really that bad? D:

Reece's P.O.V

"What did I do to deserve such a pack of idiots?" I roared looking out at all the cowering faces looking anywhere but at me. Hearing a snigger I turned to face brody, my beta and best friend -not that I have best friends but I've known him since we were in diapers, he's the only one that actually looks me in the eye and rebells somewhat. Being alpha I should rip his head off for not backing down but I'm used to him so I don't bother. "can anybody with at least one brain cell tell me what progress you've made?" I growled at them all. "we-we've found her and have sent in tow rogues to suss her out and get close to her." one cowering guy muttered. "that's all?" I grumbled "3 weeks and that's all you've done? Get going! I want her here in front of me working the week! Now get out if my face" sighing I turned my back to them, I needed this girl. She was destined to be my only sons mate, since the second she was born it was agreed she would be married to my son, they would be the most powerful pack leaders in the world. But on the night on the 16th of November, her 2nd birthday her father upped and left leaving no explanations or any traces of where they moved to. In a blind rage I sent a few of my strongest fighters out to hunt them down and teach them a lesson, they found the wrong people. That night skylars parents were killed, her father broke all ties with us that night, we had been blood brothers, when he told be that our deal was off I vowed to find her and bring her back. I would fight for Jade with every breath left in my body.

Jades P.O.V

Lying on my bed my mind was reeling, should I tell sky how I felt about him? Does he feel the same way about me? Ohh life as a teenage were-wolf is so stressful! Jumping into the shower I just stood under the warm flow of water feeling all my thoughts being washed away and my mind clear. Stepping out, now completely relaxed I dressed and went to get breakfast. Sitting at the table eating cheerios I decided to tell sky how I felt no matter what happened and I was going to do it before school started tomorrow. Leaving a note on the table telling everyone I was gone for a run. Heading out to the woods behind our house I stripped off and shifted, letting go of everything I just let my wolf go. I bounced around chafing butterfly's digging and racing in circles loving the feeling of the grass beneath my feet, the wind blowing in my fur and the sweet smell of foliage in my nose. Even with all the fun I was having I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched, I could feel eyes boring into my back and the unnerving sense that I wasn't alone. Deciding against going any farther I turned around and headed for home, my ears on high alert for the slightest noise but I heard nothing. I must be hearing things. When I was safely at my back door I turned around and surveyed the thick dark forest I had just left, scanning quickly along the edge I I caught the slightest movement, a quick flash of red, then gone. There's something freaky going on, am I being watched?

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