Chapter Twenty-One: Mating

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3rd person POV

Niklaus once again wraps his arms around her pulling her up slightly higher on his chest. He kisses the top of her head causing her sigh and relax into him. He moves to the sensitive spot behind her ear and nips at it lightly causing her to shiver. Elijah sees this and smirks. He makes Isa look into his eyes as he rubs his hands up the inside of her thighs. She grinds into Niklaus when he kisses her neck. They continue to work her up till she's close to climaxing.

"I think we should move this to the bedroom..." Niklaus says.

He picks his mate up and vamp speeds to the bed. Elijah follows.

Niklaus sets her down on the bed and moves behind her. Elijah comes in front of her and makes her lay back against Niklaus.

"This is your last chance to back out min skjønnhet."

"But Lijah, Nik, I don't want to wait. I want to know what it is like having you. Knowing that you are my first and last, knowing I am your last. I want to know what I have been missing. I want to feel closer to both of you."

She snuggles into Niklaus' arms, not mistaking the evidence of his arousal on her back.

"With all that's coming with the Volturi, I can't help but think that with all I have been told and seen, this will be safer for all of us."

She looks up at them, staring into their eyes, "I don't want to lose you guys. Either by my own death or by yours. These feelings, they may have been sudden to everyone else, but I can't stand to be away from you, I feel only complete when you are next to me. I feel for the first time in a long time, safe. Loved. Cherished. The feel of your arms are home, and the feeling of you next to me is unexplainable. Which makes me wonder how you will feel inside of me when the three of us are joined closer than any other beings on the planet. I deserve that. You both deserve that with all the pain you have felt over the years."

"We love you, sweetheart. We don't want to lose you either. You have come to mean the world to me in less than twenty-four hours. I want to spend every moment of forever with you and I'm sure Elijah feels the same way," he finishes by kissing her passionately.

Elijah trails his hands down her body, admiring it. Loving how creamy her skin is next to his.

When he reaches her hips, he smirks as she tries to move under him. But he ignores her, and lightly trails his hands down the outside of her legs, moving them outside of his own. He is enjoying the view, knowing no one has or will see what is in front of him.

Watching him, Isa can see the moment when his possessiveness comes over him. His eyes darken, and the veins around his eyes darken slightly. Not enough for anyone else to notice, but enough for her, who studies his face as though it is a portrait, notices.

When his eyes flick up to hers, he grins and then without warning, he is between her thighs, his tongue making a sweep from her clit to her entrance.

Her hips try to rock, but Nik holds her to him, as they start to educate her on the lessons they have learned over the years. And before Isa is unable to think anymore, she thanks everyone who taught them.

Lijah Looks into her eyes to make sure what he is doing is right. She moves her hands into his brown hair.

Nik moves his hand in between both of them rubbing at her clit. She moans with pleasure.

"Lijah, I need you now," she says breathily.

Nik moves his hands up to her shoulders rubbing them gently as Lijah lines himself up. He enters her slowly and Nik whispers sweet nothings in her ear while she adjusts to his size. Lijah waits till she gives him the okay to continue.

She moves her hips slowly nodding her head at Lijah telling him it's okay to move. He sets a slow pace bringing her closer to the edge. Nik kisses her neck and massages her breasts.

"Lijah!" She moans.

He picks up his pace just a bit knowing that she is getting close. Nik trails his hand down the front of her body and to her clit. In doing this it takes her over the edge.

Lijah and Isa bite each other in the neck drinking each other's blood and completing the mating. They both release each other and lick the bite clean. Isa kisses Lijah slowly as he pulls out of her.

Nik and Lijah trade spots.

~ ~ ~

Isa's POV

I lay in both my mates' arms after our mating enjoying knowing that they are both mine and mine alone for eternity. Being with both my mates I can say that their personalities fit the same way they make love.

Elijah is sweet and gentle always mindful of what he is doing. Nik is rougher, more dominant. He likes to leave marks on my skin. Which stay due to my witch or partial human side.

I snuggle farther into the side of Lijah. I close my eyes and try to drift off into a partial slumber.

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