The escape

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I blinked for a second but it all came back. My childhood friend that I haven't seen for years who was always by my side. "Damon...." I said weakly and tears running down my face.

He smiled but looked around. "This is very bad..." He thought to himself but looked back at me. "How can she have this much power and still alive.." He thought again but smiled. "I'm glad you're safe"

I looked around but only saw destruction and chaos. "I-I didn't mean to...this wasn't me" I said, my voice was shaky and tried to sit up but my body was so sore that I couldn't move. "....."

Hey, don't move or else you make it worse....please rest and I'm sorry" He took out a needle.

"What's-" I felt a pinch and I passed out

Days later I woke up in a strange room and I was strapped to a table, ropes tightly bind my wrists and ankles. "What's going on?" I struggle against the ropes

"Don't worry my dear, you are safe" A husky voice so but I looked but saw no one. "How did you get those powers?" He said.

"Who's there?!" I shouted and looked around and narrowed my eyes as I saw a man in a black suit with grey hair. "Let me go!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that lassie" he said and walked toward me. "Where did you get those powers?" He said sternly as he walked over and slapped me across the face. "What are you?"

"That wouldn't concern you, you better tell me why and how you got those powers?"

"I'm not telling you anything" I growled and struggled. "Why do I feel so drained?" I scowled at the man.

The man smiled at me and started walking out the door. "We'll keep you here until we figure out what to do with you." He closed the door behind him leaving me in a dark, cold room strapped to a table like a lab experiment. Suddenly, I heard the door open a few minutes later, it was Damon. "What's going on?" I looked at him

Damon bit his lip as he walked toward me. "I'm so sorry....Yuki"  He frowned. "I never meant for this to were just outta control and I had to stop you."

"You drugged me and helped restrain me like a wild animal!"  I narrowed my eyes at him.

The guy came back in while holding a tablet. "Is she unable to bend?"  He looked at him

Damon nods. "No but her restraints can limit her ability, sir"

"Good" he walked toward me as he whistled. "Well, well, well. You think you're so special"

"What are you talking about?" I tried to struggle.

"Oh my, you are a feisty one aren't ya" he clicked his tongue. "Don't bother wasting your time and energy on trying to get out because you'll never get free. Tie her up more and I'll be right back.

He sighed and tightened my restraints them looked in my eyes. "I'll explain everything later"

I growled at both of them. "What the hell are you going to do with me!"

The man held my chin. "With your powers we can make the ultimate super soldier and won't have casualties. The world will be a better place but unfortunately for you that you might die"  He lets go of my chin and walks out.

"What?!" I turn to Damon and get a bit angry. "How can you be ok with this!!" I yelled at him. "Let me go please!"

He put a finger to my mouth. "Sh, sh sh sh, sh. Stop yelling" he whispered as I bit his skin. "Ow" He let go. "I can tell you're angry but hear me out." He untied her restraints. "Let's get outta here" He put an arm out for me.

I was really puzzled and looked at his arm then grabbed it. "Ok I'm so confused right now" I hoped down.

"I'll explain once we get outta here" he ran to the door but then man was walking toward the room when he saw us.

"What are you doing!" He scowled and his face turned red with fury. "Why is she not restrained? You know how dangerous she is." He pushed Damon outta the way and ran toward me.

My eyes widened and I blasted air at the man sending him flying then I used water to freeze him to the wall. "We'll be leaving now" I grab Damon's hand and start running toward the door finally busting through the door. "Phew, that was easy"

"Yuki..." His voice cracked as he bit his lip.

"Now". I turn in front of him. "Explain" She walked to a nearby ally.

"Alright" he nodded as he entered the ally way and slumped down the wall.

I did the same and put my knees to my chest. "You're gonna tell me everything." I looked him in the eye as I sat next to him.

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