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"This might be a rough week" I said as I head up to my room and close the door. I saw sapphire curled up into a ball on my bed but she picked up her head and her ears went up with her tail wagging. She stands up and runs in circles on my bed excitedly.

"Ok, ok I'm coming"  I walked over and sit on the bed when she puts her tiny paws on my arm. "I missed you too, girl" I scratched her behind her ear and she licks my hand. "Aw" I picked her up and move her to the corner of my bed then pulls out my homework and begins doing it. "This is so boring. X-2......what?" grunts and gets frustrated. "This makes no sense" I drop my pencil and looked outside. The clouds were dark and colorless while rain fell. It looked like the sky was crying.

I always loved the rain. Whenever I felt down I always thought rain was calming to nothing matters. When it is raining I always would love to hear the water drip down the glass and hit the leaves. It was great.

I put away my books and lauded back, listening to the rain I thought "it's gonna be ok" My voice was called downstairs so I walked there and saw my mom and dad sitting on the couch. "How was your first day of school?."

"It was ok" I shrugged and didn't seem to excited about that.

"What's wrong sweetie?" My mom said with a frown came upon her as she looked at me.

"I'm fine but it was just boring. I'm going to do homework now" I smiled and walks up to my room and guessed on every part of it.  "Tomorrow won't be so bad right?" I laid back in my bed as I fall asleep.

[The next few days,I'm skipping cause it's the same as any other and I don't want to make it boring for you guys]

The next few days were just the same as any other but today was different. Today was quiet and calm. "Thank the spirits that-wait, it too quiet" I slumped down on my desk but remember I had a sketchbook so I continues drawing in it. The sketch had short brown hair, a red dress and fire all around her as if she were dancing in the flames. "I wish I can be like her and have cool powers, why can't science do us a favor and be able to make the impossible" I glanced over at Ryuu to see what he was doing.

He glanced at me and looked at my sketchbook then looked at my his sheet of paper. "What was he doing?" I got curious but the bell rang so we had P.E which we changed it to white tops and black shorts. "I love physical Ed so maybe this will be a piece of cake." It wasn't. My body ached as we did push-ups then immediately run two laps. "On the first day we get this? Ugh" It got way harder so I sat in a shade while I saw Ryuu play football.

I saw the girls watching them but one made eye contact with me. It was cold like a death stare almost so I got up and walk until I get a hard blow to the head and fall down. "Ow"  Ryuu walks over.

"You ok there?" He said as he looked at me and picked up the ball.

"Uh...yea.." I feel the side of my head which hurt. "Ow"

"Stop poking it silly," he chuckled a little and holds at his hand to me. "You sure that you're ok though, that was quite the hit you took"

I looked up at him and took his hand. I thought he was he gonna be the jerk and the other girl would try to kill me but I guess not, I smiled. "I'm fine" I glanced at the girl and she gave me a death glare. Not good but I ignored it which was a grave mistake.

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