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My heart was pounding and my thoughts were all over the place. "Ugh...." I tapped my foot waiting outside of the room, I looked in the room and saw Yuki lying on the bed with machines hooked up to her body knocked out. "What happened to you" I said in a worried voice then entered the room

The doctor came in a few minutes with a clipboard and pushed up his glasses and closed the door. He cleared his throat and said in a calm tone. "Is this your friend?" He walked to him.

"Yes....she is"  Ryuu said unsurely and ashamed so he look down. "Is she going to be ok?" He looked back up nervously at the doctor.

"Hm...."  He rubbed his beard slightly so he looked nervously. "She was struck by lightning, you are lucky you brought her here or else she would've died. What happened was" he looked at the clipboards.  "The lighting struck her body causing a reaction but it might've been allergies before due to the electricity." He walked over to her bedside and checks the tubes in her arms then turned to Ryuu. "Judging by her current state, she's gonna be out for a while."

"Oh" Ryuu looked at the ground then up at the doctor. "Do you mind if I stay the night?"

"We don't usually let people stay the night but I guess you could go ahead." He walks out.

"Thank you". He sits down and eventually falls asleep.

The next morning, Yuki's eyes fluttered open then darted to see her surroundings but it was hard because her vision was blurry. She gave a small groan and sat up and saw Ryuu, blushing she took the oxygen mask off and sighed. "Wh-what happened" she said in a low voices.

Ryuu woke up to find Yuki sitting up staring out him. He blinked "Yuki? Yuki, thank god you're ok" he leaned to the edge of the chair. "Wait, how did-"

She yawns and blinks then start unhooking the stuff from my arms and body. "I'm fine, I don't feel it actually which is weird" she thinks and gets up with no problem. "See"

The doctor comes in and sees her. "This is a miracle.....a lightning strike to the head is not something that people can wake up from like that"

She looked puzzled and said a calm voice. "Huh....I don't feel anything." I walked around like I just got up from bed until he stopped in front of me and handed me so I look at it. "What is it?" I looked up at him.

The doctor pushed up his glasses. "It's an x-Ray" he pointed to the x Ray and pointed at the scan. "You had impacted right in your head with the shock coursing through your body, that's what kept you alive." He explained

" ok" I walk out and go to my house.when I get inside but I notice a candle sitting on the table and flickered when I walked towards it. "Weird"

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