Chapter 3

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Slowly stirring as Encre laid up, her bones throbbed and ached, she stretched as best as she could, she poked the fire, getting a coal to relight the dry leaves she deposited as kindle. Beginning to then change all the bandages on the figures body, she slowly hummed as she added warm water to the flowers she picked with a pinch of ground ginger root, he made a warm paste and re-applied everything washing and drying the rags that held the paste in the wound. She painted the mixture onto the figures wound slowly singing a tune she remembered, " *:・゚✧There once was a girl-Who liked to run." she smiled and moved to change other wounds "*:・゚✧Her mother once said 'she'd outrun the sun, For as it set-she had more fun..*:・゚✧" she moved to the figures chest unbuttoning its soft shirt and unwrapped the bandages and poured the rest of the mixture into the wound, "*:・゚✧Mother once said, that love take's time*:・゚✧" she wrapped the wound and went to button the creatures shirt, she felt warm she felt liquid on her neck, she felt her neck to see a glowing pink almost venom come dribbling out, she sat on the figures pelvis and stared at him she felt different, she had no idea what saved her really, she never really listened to all the panic around the village.

" it dead?" she stared at it, she examined it built toned composure she smiled "A lot nicer than Azure.. Maybe one touch wouldn't hurt.." she ran her delicate fingers around the pecs and shoulders she stopped at the top of his abs because of the injury she caught herself dribbling from her mouth she felt incredible stupid she slurped her spit up and slid off the creature she looked at it. " Thank you Creature of the night" she craned her neck over its head propping its head up she shifted down slowly and slowly pressed her warm lips to the cold lips of the creature she stopped and thanked it again before leaving to find food or flowers for moved medicine, she collected sticks and wood for the fire, she found blackberries she snacked on them while collecting everything else, she quietly picked flowers.

Meanwhile the creature shifted and shook before waking up, grouchy and muffled, the creature felt pain radiate throughout its body, releasing it was daytime the figure shifted and waited for night slowly growing weak while the woman was out foraging, hungrily the creature opened it mouth and took in all the scents around it, closing its eyes at one particular smell that was strongest around the den he was in, the woman's scent smelled different this time, more awake stronger, something had changed the scent the creature waited patiently for her arrival.

Encre had found more food and flowers along with wood she was ready for night time, she walked back to the rut she made camp and sat at the opening she slid her legs in slipping off her tattered sandals and slowly sitting against the soft smooth sand in her dirty torn legging she set everything to the side and looked up to see the creature still laying down, she smiled "oh-I really hoped you would wake up, I didn't mean for you to die from taking the fall for me." she shifted over to the creature after stoking the fire and closing the little patch she made for a door, she started to weep " I'm going to die out here, because of Azure." she wept, she laid next to the creature she cradled its head talking sadly " I thought I could save you like you saved me, but i failed didn't I?" she cried her tears splashing on the creature's face. She bent down and pressed her lips against the cold lips of the creature one more time. Quickly she was flipped and pinned to the side of the rut she made with the creature lurching over her she screamed loudly covering her face and tucking her body parts close to her body, she started to stutter "P-please don't hurt me I'm E-Encre, you saved my life, I'm not here to hurt you." she felt its hot breath against her neck she blushed and shuddered "W-what are you doing?" she felt two little pokes almost pinch her neck she froze again. Sprawling over her the creature easily pinned her with its weight, she couldn't tell if she was enjoying this sensation or about to scream, she felt so tired, so quickly. Passing out right after she felt liquid dripped down her heaving bosom she fell limp.

Sucking a hefty amount from the scrambling skeleton below the creature, he felt the woman go limp he pulling his fangs from her soft delicate neck he smiled cleaning his long shiny fangs with 2 of his 3 tongue's he laid up and held her body in him arms he thanked her for the meal he licked her neck to sop up the dribbled of blood he spilled, he climbed out of the rut she built grabbing his cape and holding the woman close to him he felt a tearing pain in his abdomen he set the woman down and checked to see one of the injury's he had sustained, he winced threw it, before picking her back up he breathed slowly before a blue flame consumed him he smiled before changing his figure into a larger then average bat, it had set her pervious and began to grave the wrapped woman with it feet, flapping it's majestic wings as the wind blew threw the forest, it finally was able to get up and out of the clearing it flew high in the sky with the woman below it, soaring quickly as its pain began to become more and more unmanageable spotting its target in the distance it began to cut threw the air gliding the best it could as it wings grew tired and painful it began to loose flight and almost sputter out of the air, it tired to get any further before slamming into the cold muddy earth sliding threw the mud it hit and changing back to the creatures form it took the woman and began to swiftly make way threw the forest.

Shooting out from a clearing, the figure coughed and grumbled, in the moonlight before almost collapsing on the stone bridge it crossed, it came to 2 double wooden doors, with iron knockers he took the knocker and slammed it against the wooden doors causing them to creek and groan. He couldn't take anymore he sat down and laid over with the woman held next to him, he heard footsteps and the locks unlocking he was to tired to continue, before blacking out himself.

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