Chapter 2

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" Forcing yourself upon a helpless woman, because she wouldn't bend to your will? I for one believe in karma, lady karma has, and will, bestow her bittersweet bite upon your body, and I believe she has sent me to do that, and I believe if you can't respect your power, you shouldn't hold your power~" the figures voice boomed and lulled in a false sense of comfort. Approaching the sweating, bleeding skeleton he gave him a false smile, "W-What are you doing to me? Mean creature, MONSTER, I should be able to do what I want with my property-."


"Property? She was your property, not even in the slightest chance, calling me a monster? You're the only monster I see-well I'll stop wasting your time, let's get back to your punishment, do you understand what I'm going to do to you?" the figure chuckled and started to click its claws " you're going to turn me into a vampire, or make me your slave- pathetic!" Laughing loudly the figure yowled at Azure, slowly approaching him the figure cracked up beside the rock and stared him dead in the face " I'm going to castrate your sad personal and feed your manhood to the beasts of the forest." Slowly it crept up to azure clicking its sharp claws Azures eyes grew big and he started to wail and scream before a swift sharp clean cut was administered to the pathetic sack of bones. Shrill screams shot throughout the forest, causing the animals to freeze or scatter and fly off being disturbed from there slumber.

Meanwhile, a miracle had occurred, then poor woman had returned, coughing wheezing and sputtering up water, before she was greeted by the sickening stench of death, witch made the poor woman's 'stomach' to retch causing her to climb out of the hollow and retch everywhere she heard the running water and crawled towards it hoping to wash her mouth out, she jumped hearing the shrill scream of Azure she had remembered what he had tried to pull and hid before hearing a third voice that drew her closer " what's wrong? Your my property I can do whatever I want, you have no manhood there for your no man, by your own pathetic rules, you should shut your mouth and enjoy getting my attention? Why are you crying? You felt no remorse drowning that poor woman, and trying to force yourself upon her why should you feel anything?!" she overheard the figure speak that she peaked out of the bushes she gasped seeing a tall dark figure with Azures, torn off manhood.

   Blood splashed down the figures claws, running into the river, the woman felt something clump up her spine, followed by a taping thud on her shoulder she looked over, to meet eyes to eight more, she screamed as loud as she could swatting the spider off her shoulder she crashed through the bushes tumbling straight into the figure before picking herself up and running past towards the drop off she turned around and shook herself off beginning to shed droopy tears she sat in the long grass, shaking she closed her eyes tightly and held her knee's tucked tightly to her chin. She slide her hands over her eyes sobbing wildly she heard the grass crackle and snap underfoot she scooted backwards she shook her head sobbing loudly "P-please leave me I-I didn't do anything" she opened her eyes to see a blurry teary figure come rushing towards her she jumped backwards, scared out her mind, she closed her eyes waiting for a slashing blow but it never happened instead she felt a chilling wind consume her and she felt like she was floating, only to open her eyes to see the figure lunging to grab her as she tumbled off the cliff, she realized what she had done, and lurched for the figures claws. She screamed as she went screeching towards the bottom.

She felt something chilled to the bone swoop her in its warm sticky claws, she gripped towards what she could, and blacked out quickly after.


The woman woke up to a blinding ray of sunshine, she rubbed her eyes and quietly looked up she felt a throbbing sore on her neck, she rubbed it she felt two little holes, she looked around and saw a black clawed figure she lifted up her hand to see a handful of dust in it as the sunlight peeked through the forest shining onto the being causing it to dust, she without thinking grabbed him and pulled him into a tree hollow she felt terrible she took his cape off and examined his wounds, she new a few things, Medicine, Art, and Cooking. She quietly gained her composure, she saw how injured the being was, she looked around quietly thinking, she didn't know how long the being would be out, she crawled out of the hollow and began to gather sticks she tore her dress to cover the bleeding wounds she tied them tightly she went to start a fire so she could boil water, she went to the river, and started to dig for mud and rocks and clay, she tried her best to clean pitted rocks, and collect big leaves for water she drank from the running waterfall she found, she collected water for the being along with a soothing flower that she personally used for injuries.

She had a fire going and had created a small divot that allowed smoke out but didn't put the fire out, she had created a smooth half dome, she had rubbed a slimy blue paste into the figures wounds and made more bandages from the cloths she had torn and washed in the purified water to treat it, she felt the cold breeze wash between the warm blazing fire, she had to sit in the lap of the creature she saw the color starting to fade from the creatures skin, she unwrapped a cut she had sustained and smeared the paste she had created onto her cut, she bit her lip and tried to breathe thru the foaming pain, she knew it was working as it bubbled and dripped. Encre stoked the fire making sure it was consuming its pallet, she had clean the cape of the creature that saved her and wrapped the long cap on them. She felt somewhat awkward as the cap was made for a longer being so she had to move around a lot to cover it, she sighed rubbing her aching bones as she slowly drifted into unconsciousness.

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