Chapter [1]

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It was a quiet, calm, cold night, birds nested closely before ruffing their feathers and drifting, squirrels chitter among each other in the hollowed canopies of their homes once again before succumbing to the sandman's spell. Even a single ruffled tarantula stalked solemnly through the riverbed before flawlessly grasping a silvery slimy wart riddled toad. Slowly the amphibian writhed and flopped before growing shrew and limp, allowing the victor the feast upon its carcass. A tall shadow caused the arachnid to strike up a defensive position letting out a hiss. Quickly the shadow leaped over the riverbed and into the tall grass, slowly the figure stalked waiting for something to scent.

Climbing quickly up a tree and swinging around the weaved branches the figure came upon a cliff, it cleared itself from the thick underbrush and weaved thru the thorn bushes until it Stroud in an open field, ended by the cliff. It walked to the edge peering over it. Circling back to the forested brush before making a swift sharp reaction into a surging lunge before sinking its jaws into warm furry flesh. Gripping it and slowly constricting it the figure started to murmur words before the animal gave a low wailing call before dropping dead from the figures grasp. Finishing the sentence it murmured it began to crush and tear into the prey it caught. Loud crushing, cracking, and gushing sounds erupted from the poor animal being consumed by the figure, blood puddled from the animal and flowed into the riverbed, a large red line began to streak down the river the figure ripped the warm steaming flesh off the bones of the animal before chewing and swallowing, leaving the head for hanging, the figure had caught a beautiful six pointer buck. Rinsing the pelt in the cold icy water the figure also rinsed its hands of blood it carried the pelt from the buck along with the head and antlers to hang. Jumping at the sudden change in scent structure, the figure dropped its kill and stood up with its mouth open, fangs barred and glands reeling in the surrounding scents.

Listening to the quiet chatting growing nearer and nearer, the figure jumped into the trees and watched them approach, " A-azure, hun I don't think it's a good idea to come hunting this late when nothing has happened in such a long time.." A sword wielding skeleton trekked through the underbrush slicing away at the delicate forest growth. Following his trail appeared a scared looking skeleton in a sleek dress she appeared frail and slid her hands along the grass left untouched. The pair came upon the cliff and the taller skeleton went checking around while the follower gazed over the cliff, they took a soft seat in the soft grass and gazed into the starry night sky, the follower shivered and shook in the freezing spring winds while the weapon baring one drew closer and closer to the area the figure peered from, the figure didn't realize this it was fascinated with the follower it slide down from the tree leaving deep claw marks and slid threw the tall grass the figure climbed into the tree closest to the follower skeleton and began to stare and watch, "Encre! Everything looks clear we can set up the tent here, or we can try to go back to the village but that's a good 2 hour trip." The follower looked irritated and turned her attention to the other "A-azure can we please JUST get out of the cold wind and sleep, I'm tired and freezing, mother nature is truly beautiful but my, it's chilly today!" The armed skeleton pulled a pack from around his back and began to unpack a large triangle shaped canopy that was struck to the earth followed by cloth coverings being tied to the staked poles that poked from the earth.

Quickly the follower Skelton got up and retreated to the clothed canopy she gave the armed skeleton a peck on the cheek and then crawled into the cloth canopy, the other skeleton had a smug smile on his face he placed a ring of garlic salt around there canopy, the figure retracted in disgust the scent stung its scent and nostril glands, rubbing generously around its face before gagging. Angrily the figure crept toward the cloth canopy still in the forested area the figure listened to their conversation.

"A-azure please let me sleep i am not comfortable doing that"

"Encre-please, I'm doing all this vampire hunting and guarding you because your precious cargo, I need love too"

"Azure, No, means no. You never had to guard me, you brought me along on this because you were paranoid, i don't feel comfortable having sex with you, it's not my fault, your not going to change my decision so please leave me along to sleep hun."

"Tsh your a real bitch sometimes Encre, we have been dating for over 3 mouths and you still barely kiss me, i want sex Encre, I expect you to provide satisfaction for me so i don't have to pay some nasty ass brothel worker to please me-"

The figure heard a loud slap noise


" Encre, I'm gonna enjoy myself, you may not but, it-won't matter in the end-poor Encre, killed by a vicious evil vampire"

"W-what, why are you saying that, w-what are you doing!? NO-NO STOP GET AWAY FROM ME!"

The figure winced at the end, it crawled closer to the canopy, when the follower skeleton burst out of the cloth tears streaming down the cheeks of it, yelling out for help, the skeleton tore against the earth trying to get away from the attacking Skelton she slid into the riverbank before being pinned by the armed skeleton he wrapped his hands around her neck and dunked her head underwater, her legs flailed and kicked at the earth, she scratched at her attacker the figure watched growing more angry. Chuckling at the drowning skeleton, he pulled up her dress and pulled down his pants. He started to force himself on the half conscious half drowned skeleton. Realizing what he was about to do the figure leap from the forest and tackled the attacking skeleton, knocking his against a blunt rock and scratching his face and chest up, then swiftly went to check on the drowned skeleton the figure pulled the lifeless body from the icy water and began to listen for a heartbeat, the figure put his mouth on the poor corpse and tried his best to revive it, administering chest compressions and air, he tried to give her a second chance from what just happened, he soon stopped, and looked down at the screw skeleton body cold, wet and limp.

Walking over to a tree hollow the figure set the poor body in a hollow and covered it with the buck skin it had caught, getting some blood on the body, the figure murmured something quietly and gave the poor corpse a silent 'sorry' he returned to the unconscious 'Azure' and thought of a good idea. Waking the skeleton up he had pinned him against a rock and had tired him up the skeleton couldn't see from damage sustained, and finally, our figure spoke. 

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