Oh no Hoddie!

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Maskys POV

I was sitting with my cheese cake the one I never eat because its to special I named him Bob (RIP Bob CrEEpY_PaStA_FaN) when Hoddie sat next to me "Oh hey!" I smile behind my mask "Hi bro!" Slenderman teleported right in front of us "Hoddie Masky I need you guys Rowan and Natalie to fight off Zalgo he is planning to come hear so work as a team and good luck" he teleports away probably telling the twins what to do

Hoddie walk down the hall with Rowan Natalie and me behind when Zalgo appears in front of Hoddie he suddenly falls to the floor Rowan runs over to him and Natalie soon after I look at him over the two girl and he has a big cut on his chest! "O-Oh my zalgo!" I scream I look around for Zalgo and I spot him I run at him and he teleports behind me I look behind me and see he has Natalie about to snap her neck Rowan was trying her best to stop him I run at him "TAKE ONE MORE STEP I DARE YOU!" Zalgo growls turning her head I stop in my tracks I remember Natalie's strange way of getting out if these situations "Go ahead snap my neck!" She growls "Oh and why would I do that your just a bribe!" I look over at Rowan and she had a knife in her hand "A bribe hmmmm ok then kill me!" He growls "ARE YOU STUPID I SAID IN NOT GOING TO K-" I see Rowan slice zalgos chest open he bawls out in pain and teleports away the girls then run over to Hoddie and aid him I run over and the girls pull down his hood and take off his mask Rowan checks his heart beat "He is still Alive!" Natalie pulls out a sweater and ties it to his chest they pick him up and start walking I take him out of their arms and we all walk home I was so mad at zalgo yet so happy of what the girls did

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