Chapter 15 - Dresses & Money

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"Bruno, come here buddy!" I say enthusiastically, calling to Bruno from across the room. He rolls over on the floor, barking quietly. I laugh, crawling over to him. He stands up and picks up one of his new chew toys, playing with it furiously. I carry him up the stairs, and put him in his furry dog bed next to my bed. He settles down quickly; falling asleep with a quiet bark. I pat his back, and go to my bed, today's events replaying in my head.
Aidan's proposal. I smile at the thought of it, and think about homecoming.

Aidan and I had spent the afternoon buying supplies for Bruno, and hanging out at my house. Bruno had settled in quickly, making himself at home.

I blush at how much effort and time Aidan must have put into his proposal. I try to think about anything other than Aidan, but fail miserably.
Falling asleep, I hold a feeling that for once in my life, everything was almost perfect.
I have a boyfriend.
I have a date for homecoming.
I have great friends.
I have an adorable puppy.

But, I have high school guys coming to get me. I said almost perfect. Almost.


"Hey girl! We have a lot to catch up on!" Bella tells me as we meet up before school, giggling like 5 year olds.
I laugh, and sit down on a park bench outside the entrance. Bella sits beside me, prodding at me for details.
"What was it like? What did he do?" She asks as if it was the world's most important question. I decide to answer, then she would stop asking, right?
"He lead me to a garden, then gave me a clue on the picnic blanket saying 'pick your favourite flower.' You totally told him my favourite flower." I say, poking Bella's arm lightly. She shakes her head but smiles.
"I did not!" She giggles, and I continue.
"Then there was a clue on the flower saying for me to sit down and close my eyes. Then, when I opened them a little dog sat in front of me!" I say, scrolling through the pictures I already had of Bruno.
"He's so cute! You'd better let me play with him." Bella tells me, looking at all the photos.
"Then I looked at the collar, and it said 'Anna, baby, I'm yours, will you go to homecoming with me?'." I say, the moment replaying in my head.
"Awww, that's so romantic." Bella sighs, smiling at me.
"Then, Aidan came up behind me and we kinda kissed, then we ditched class to hang out." I say, smiling so hard that my cheeks hurt.
"What do you mean, you kinda kissed? Did you, or not?" Bella asks with a laugh. We stand up, beginning to walk to class.
"I guess we did." I admit, suddenly feeling a pair of arms around my waist. I turn around to face Aidan, who was smirking.
"You talking about me?" He asks, letting go of me for a moment, then putting one arm around my waist. I shake my head, blushing.
"Anna, I'm gonna go to class." Bella says with a wink, and runs off in the opposite direction. I walk with Aidan into the hallways, feeling happy.
"Hey." Aidan says with a grin.
"Hi." I reply, looking at the ground.
"How's Bruno?" Aidan says, running his hand through his hair.
"Amazing. Since my backyard is all gated up, I've left him outside to run around. He can go into his dog house if it gets cold." I say, nodding.
"What are you going to wear to homecoming?" He says.
"It's a secret; I'm not going to tell you." I say, laughing.
"Please?" Aidan says. I shake my head.
"Have you even bought a dress yet?" He says, laughing when I say no. We walk to class, talking like nothing in the world was wrong.


"Hey Anna!" Bella's voice echoes through the corridors. I stop and wait for her as students leave the school gates.
"Hi!" I say, walking next to her.
"Lets go buy our homecoming dresses today!" She says, a big smile on her face.
"Umm, I don't have any money Bella. Plus, it's homecoming tonight. I don't have any time." I say, feeling mad that I had popped her excitement bubble.
"It's ok! We'll find something quick and cheap, girl." She says, dragging me out of school, and onto the bus.
I quickly text Aidan to tell him I was going to the mall with Bella, and he replies with a simple 'ok babe, c u tonight'.

We arrive at the mall with a huge crowd of other students, and pile out of the bus, and into the shops. Bella seemed to know where we were going, and keeps walking until she reaches a certain shop named 'Erica's dressmaking'. She claps, and runs into the shop filled with dresses. I follow her, although knowing that I wouldn't be able to afford anything in here.
"Anna! It's so pretty!" Bella exclaims, holding up a shimmering gold dress. I nod, and she runs into the changing rooms, dress in hand. I continue to look around the store, and spot a rack of dresses that catch my eye. The sign on the rack reads:
On sale due to damage.

I look through the dresses, either groaning at each price tag, or screwing my nose up in disgust. The rack didn't seem to have anything that I wanted on it, so I stand at the changing rooms, waiting for Bella. She comes out, spinning in her gold dress.
"I love it!" I say, smiling at her. She frowns.
"I don't, it looks too showy." She says, and goes back into the changing rooms to try on another dress.
I sit down on a chair in the shop, waiting for Bella to be finished.
Someone taps me on the arm, and I look up to see a middle-aged woman standing in front of me, holding up a beautiful red dress.
"I notice that you haven't found a dress yet. This dress just got returned with a missing stitch on the bottom hem. I have reduced the price of it to $200. Would you like to try it on?" The woman asks, smiling at me. I nod, taking the dress from her keenly. Running to the changing rooms, I lock myself in a cubicle, and undress.

I gasp in excitement as I twirl around in the red dress. The bottom just reaches my thighs, and the body of it fitted perfectly. It was strapless, but felt comfortable enough. Bella gives me the thumbs up, and I agree.
Tight, short and perfect.

I was never a 'party dress' kind of girl, and this was as far as I'd go to get dressed up. After changing back into my clothes, I get out my wallet, and give the woman my credit card. She hands me a bag with my dress in it, and smiles.
"Have a great afternoon." She tells me. Bella soon joins me at the counter, and pays for her $1,000 ball gown.
We go to the food court and both sit down at a table, gossiping over our dresses. Suddenly we both glare at a certain someone strutting towards us.
"Thomas." We both hiss at him as he stops at our table. "The one and only boy who tried to date both of us at the same time."
"Ladies." He says with a wink, and sits down at the next table.
"Back off Thomas." I say with a nasty death stare.
"Woah, woah, sorry!" He says, raising both his hands above his head.
"Leave. Now. Otherwise we'll go to your house when you're asleep, and chop all your hair off." Bella snarls, shoving Thomas away.
"She's not kidding." I say with a laugh. He stands up and walks away in defeat.
We both high five each other and laugh.
Don't mess with us, boys.



Hi guys, I hope you like this chapter. Yes this chapter was kinda a bit short, but I'll be updating again soon. Please, comment and vote!
Also, we reached 200 reads! Thank you all for reading!!!!!!

Jennifer (:

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