Chapter 18 - Revenge

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Aidan's P.O.V

"Monica, let Anna go. You promised." I say quietly once I pull away from her kiss. She rolls her eyes, but replies.
"I got my people to take care of her. Don't worry about her. We'll go let her out, and show her how happy we are together." Monica says with a brief smirk, and grabs my hand. Dragging me out of the hall, we climb into her Mercedes and drive off into the night, going to find my girlfriend.
Ex-girlfriend, Aidan.
I tell myself. Although it hurt to think that I would be around Anna anymore, I knew it was for the better. She wouldn't have to be in pain and worry, and she could go live her life in peace. Away from me, the one who caused all of this mess.

Anna's P.O.V

I let out a deep breath, and open my eyes groggily, and stretch as much as I could, due to the handcuffs. I see nothing but black in front of me, a silent reminder that it was night time. Sobbing partially, I hear two voices outside, and decide to use my voice.
"Help! Please!" I cry, my voice dry from the lack of water. "Help!" I scream again, and the voices stop. Growling, I slap my feet on the ground in defeat. Until, the barn door slides open, and my heart breaks. Aidan and Monica hold hands, and Monica leans into Aidan, smirking. Standing there for a minute or two, they step closer to me. Monica steps behind me, and unlocks the handcuffs. I pull my hands right away, and shake them immediately. Numbness spreads through my arms, and I notice the red ring around my wrists from the cuffs. Aidan stands there as if I was a stranger who he felt nothing for. Leaving me no choice, I speak.
"Aidan?" A simple word, but full of meaning. He looks at me, his poker face giving nothing away.
"Aidan, what's happening? They took me." I say, beginning to lose my strength. He doesn't reply, but takes Monica's hand as they begin to walk back out of the barn. Screaming internally, I run after Aidan, slapping his back when I reach him. He turns around, and I begin to overflow with anger.
"You jerk! You do like Monica! You lied! I can not freaking believe you Aidan. I trusted you, and this is how you repay me? You cheat on me with Monica? The one who caused all of this? I don't get it Aidan, one moment you buy me a dog, and the next you ditch me for her." I shriek, glaring at Monica. Pushing both of my hands against Aidan's rock hard chest, I don't feel him budge.
"What the hell is wrong with you? Wake up, Aidan! I'm your girlfriend, well I was before homecoming, and now you are with Monica? Make me understand, idiot. I don't get it!" I scream, tears streaming down my cheeks. Aidan turns back around and heads towards Monica's car. I shout out a string of bad words, and give it one more shot.
"Aidan, I hope you don't decide to come back, because I never want to look in your lying face again. I hope that you don't regret your choice, because I don't want you back." I cry out to him, hoping that he'd realise how wrong he was, and come back to me. Instead I get the total opposite. He and Monica climb into her car, and start the engine. I whack my hands against the windows, catching anything but Aidan's attention. Monica smirks at me smugly, and Aidan looks unemotional. I watch as her expensive car speeds off away from the lone barn I was stranded at. I look at the dirt road they drive along, and the trees that line the sides. Deciding I had no other options, I begin to walk, my tears blurring my vision. The moonlight deepens, and my shadow was the only one to stay with me as I walk in the night.
How could he do that? We had finally been getting along, had been to homecoming, and then he dumps the truth on me now. That was his secret. He never liked me, just Monica. His one and only was Monica.
Well, the two suited each other.
Arrogant, heartless, devils.


I cry into the night, the endless dirt road leading me to hell-knows-where. My throat sore from yelling and crying, I give up on talking to the darkness, and choose to ignore it.
Hearing an engine roaring, I try to give myself some confidence.
Anna, this could be your chance to be saved.
I raise my hands, and wave to the red car that headlights were directed straight at me. The car stops suddenly, and the door swings open.
"Anna, what the hell are you doing here?" The person I least had expected to see in the night says.
"Thomas?" I whisper to the figure who was running towards me. His features become clear as he emerges from the darkness, and into the shine of his headlights. I continue walking, my aching legs threatening to collapse. I let out a cry, and feel myself falling. Warm arms wrap around me before I hit the ground, and I hear Thomas's voice in my ear.
"What happened?" He says, looking at my wrecked dress and face. I whimper, and feel myself being placed in a car. He starts the engine once climbing in, and we drive.
"Anna, I need to know what happened." Thomas tells me as he turns a corner. After thinking desperately about what to say, I finally answer, telling him the truth.
"Aidan and Monica. They're together. I was locked up." I whisper, trying to save my dying voice.
"Aidan and Monica? She locked you up? Why?" Thomas says, shaking his head, as if that would give him the answers he needed. I shrug my shoulders, and cough, my lungs burning. Thomas mutters under his breath, and I finally begin to recognise my surroundings.
"You're taking me home?" I say in a whisper, excess tears still dripping down my face. Thomas nods, and pulls over in my driveway.
"Anna, stay safe. And stay away from Aidan." He tells me. Once his car is out of view, I begin to let the tears freely flow down my cheeks, and I let out an exasperated sigh. Slamming my front door closed behind me, I collapse on the floor, and cry my heart out.
I had finally began to trust you Aidan, and now that trust gets ripped away from me.
I think to myself, and let out uneven, shallow breaths. The world hated me.



Hello my wonderful readers, I hope that this chapter doesn't make you hate me. Things will get better....... maybe.........  (:

Thanks for reading,
Jennifer (:

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