Greasers //part 1

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Lance walked down the sidewalk, his hands shoved in his pockets. He whistled a little tune as he walked down the road. He just left a nearby diner. You can assume what he did while he was there. He whistled at pretty girls and ate like a pig. He didn't realize that he needed to be more careful as he walked. He was in the higher ups area. A place that the riches lived. He greased his hair back and looked around, just now noticing all the stares that he was getting. Most of the people he looked at wore long floaty dresses and perfed up hair. He scoffed to himself and he stopped. He look at a group of riches girls and snarled at them. They backed up quickly. He laughs and keeps walking.

As he walked, since he was too in the moment he bumped right into someone. That person fell, dropping all their books and things onto the floor. Lance jumped back and then he quickly noticed what he did and leaned down to help him pick up the things he dropped. "Oh damn I'm sorry! I didn't see that ya was in front of me!" Lance laughed awkwardly. As he cleaned he didn't get an answer. "Yo You ok?" Lance leaned in to the boy. He had thick hair, glasses. His clothes looked old and ripped up. He was acting pretty shy. That's when Lance realized it. "You's a middle class! You don't got a side! I can just tell! Come with me!" Lance pulled the boy with him. He ran down the street to his gangs house. He walked in.

On the couch layed Hunk and Pidge. Hunk was a big, thick dude who wore a yellow bandana around his head. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked up from the comic he was reading. Pidge on the other hand was a small, thin girl who look too much like a dude. She wore a ripped green shirt and was in her boxer shorts. She ran her fingers through her greasy hair. She, after Hunk, looked up at the two. She stood up and walked up to the two. "Who's this?" Pidge cocked her head to the left and pointed at the clearly Afriad boy. "His name's.....uh..." He looks at the boy. He looks back, he pushes his glasses up. "My name is Keith..." Lance grins which makes Keith blush madly. "His name is Keith!" Pidge sighs, "Ya I heard you bimbo. Why'd you bring a richy here?" Lance shakes his head aggressively, "He ain't a Soc! He's a middle! We can make him one of us! Go tell Shiro! He listens to you!" Pidge rolls her eyes, she nods and heads to the garage where Shiro was. "Now Keith we need a nickname for you!" Lance looked him over. "You got a lot a red on ya! So how about...Firelord!" Lance laughs which makes Keith laugh and blush. Lance notices, "Don't worry! Youll loose that shyness sometime soon! You can sleep in my room!" Lance pulls Keith to his room. "Pidge is called the HoltBolt!, Allura is called Space Mom, Shiro is Space Dad, Matt is called HoltBolt.2, Hunk is called...Well..Just Hunk...And Coran is Drunkard!" Keith smiles and chuckles. "Those are cute...What about you?" Keiths shy voice makes Lance smile wider. Lance smile turns into a mischievous grin. "I'm Blue Lion!" Our gang is called the Lions! Cool right!?"

Lance talked for hours with Keith, and Keith opened up to Lance. They slowly got to know eachother.

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