The Legend

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"It's time" a voice echoed around the dark cave faintly illuminated by candlelights. An old woman comes to the center of the room where a white fire crackled in a crystal bowl. Suddenly her eyes glace over and she says " The eye never lies. The curse shall break. The sun and moon will unite. The power of the guardians will return but with a great price."

Alicia pov

I jumped down the stairs three at a time cursing the inventor of late night movie marathons. Gulping down my breakfast with vengeance I mumbled a hasty good morning to my mom. My 6 year old brother Devin chuckled at my state while he leisurely took a bite of his apple. Yeah I know, he can be quite a sadist at times. I shot a glare at him and took a final fleeting look at the mirror. Yup the same pale round face, light hazel eyes and the long dark impossibly curly hair. With a sigh of resignation I bolted out of the door into the street... right in front of a car which screeched to a stop centimeters from me.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is me. Alicia Rosaline White, the clumsiest and the most unlucky girl in this small town of Riverwood. I am a living walking definition of disaster. My lists of misfortunes range from near death experiences to tripping over my own foot.

Needless to say this little encounter with the car didn't send me into a stage of shock. I somehow manage to say sorry to the driver with some gestures and rushed to school before he could start yelling at me. I crash landed into my seat a second before professor Hugh entered the class not before tripping over my own foot. of course.

"Ooh. Someone's early!"

I turned around to see the cheerful face of my best friend Adrienne Forster, aka Andy. Andy had a cute heart shaped face with amber eyes that can coax anyone to do her bidding. Mostly me. Despite that she was the most loyal and caring friend I ever had.

"Movie night" I said stifling a yawn

"Don't tell me you watched the divergent series again!" She said narrowing her eyes at me fully aware of my obsession over it. I smiled at her sheepishly "guilty as charged"

"Young lady, you need a rehab" she declared in her all too mature tone. I just shrugged too tired to form a coherent reply. I fought a losing battle against my heavy eyelids while Mr. Huges droned on and on about ancient civilizations.

I jerked awake with Andy slamming her books in to her bag clearly irritated.

" You call this history?! The things they teach these days are utter nonsense."
She said shaking her heard.

I smiled at her knowing exactly what was going on in the twisted mind of hers "So which new history book have you unearthed this time?"

Her whole face lit up like a Christmas tree
" You have no idea what I found. Come " she said dragging me to the library. In her excitement she forgot it wa me she was dragging. Obviously I fell . This time straight into a stone hard chest making the papers I was carrying flying in all directions. Yeah total cliche except that the handsome stranger did not catch me, didn't offer to help me or even glance at me. As a matter of fact I didn't even know if he was handsome. All I caught on was a strong jawline and eyes shadowed by a hood before he shoved past me. Arrogant much?
Andy who was a few paces ahead of me realised I was not with her. She turned around saw me and let out an exasperated sigh. While I stood in the middle of the hallway with papers floating around. Why do I feel like a fly that just hit the glass wall?

"Where did you get that ?" I asked Andy when she placed a huge very old and very dusty book in front of me.

"You can find any thing once you look for it" she said with a mischievous spark in her eyes. She ruffled through the pages while I started my bouts of sneezing. By the time I was done she found what she was looking for.

"This is it. The Legend of the White fire" she said her voice low giving me all kinds of feels.

In the year 800BC The kingdom of Aura of the Western isles was ruled by King Cyrus, the third. He was blessed with two sons. The children were born in the sacred hour of the red moon. One of them had golden red eyes while the other silver blue. They were called the Children of the sun and the moon respectively. As they grew older the power of their magic increased and so did their pride. Soon the princes fought each other for the kingdom which ultimately led to a split of the land in half. The anger of the guardians affected both the lands. Where there was prosperity there was hunger. The people lost their morality. Years passed the hatred between the lands of sun and the moon prevailed. Princess Amelia, the first daughter of the seventh generation of the moon fell in love with the Prince Roger of the sun. To escape from the wrath of their parents and they hid in the haunted forest bordering the two lands. But they couldn't escape fate for long, on night a few of the kings men discovered them. The princess was with child. The princess gave birth to her child in the cellar where she was held. A soon as child was born it was prophesied that it would possess a power so great that it would destroy both the lands.The kings were worried and this time they decided to unite in order to kill the beast that was a threat to them. Greed wiped off what little humanity they had. Prince Roger fought anyone who came near his child and was killed in the struggle. Princess Amelia was in chains. The people from both the lands came to see the beast. The Princess pleaded cried and begged the crowd to save her child to no avail. They say the moment the dagger plunged into the heart of the child the sky darkened and a heart wrenching scream filled the air. No one knows what happened next. It is said that Pricess herself turned into to a ball of White fire which spead as fast a lightning turning everything in its path into ashes. The land was left so barren that not even a grass could grow there. It was cursed. Thus came about the end of the greatest magical civilization ever known to man.

" So what do you think?" Andy asked.

"That is a really depressing story" I said munching on my chips."Not that I believe it"

"Come on Alicia. What is there not to believe?" She asked bewildered. Well she was the one obsessed with magic not me.

"What? Curse? Prophecy? How many prophecies have you heard? Come on Andy we live in the 21st century. How can you actually believe in all this stuff." I said frustrated.

"You may not believe me now Al but you will. Just remember that eyes don't lie." She said quite confidently.

"Okay Miss, I think it's you who needs the rehab" I said chuckling at her.

It was such a relief to be back home in the evening. I fully planned on catching up my long lost sleep as soon as I took a quick shower. My contacts were really messing with my eyes, so swifly got rid of it. I looked at the mirror to see a pair of vivid silver blue eyes staring back at me...

A/N: So the first chapter is up. Do tell me what you think.

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