♡Prologue ♥Edited♥

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( Author's Quick Note : You could view the first copy/edition of " Back For You " on my Quotev account. The link is available on my profile. Sankyuu ~ ★ )

( Third Person's Point of View )

" Okay, gather around everybody ~ " a short brunette yelled once she had entered the basketball gymnasium, everyone within the building stopped their warm up and immediately complied to her request, more like command, and they gathered around her. The girl then put both of her hands on her hips before quickly crossing them on her chest and let out a sigh.

" I have to cancel practice today for an important reason. " she announced which made everyone surprised and they immediately reacted, frantically saying that they shouldn't waste time and asking why they should do that and showered her with all those questions and complains except for Kuroko who's just furrowing his eyebrows as he stays at the back of the crowd, awaiting for the brunette's answers who's starting to get pissed off by the boys surroundings her.

" Settle down everyone!!! " the girl yelled after blowing the whistle around her neck which made everyone else stop completely and cringed at the irksome sound of the said object and some made more complains that made them received a karate chop in the head from the one who blew the whistle.

" It's because that a very, very, very important cousin of mine is coming back here from abroad and she decided that she'll help the Seirin's Boys' Volleyball Club during their little vacation from their own tournaments. I'm sure that you've heard of her. " she finally answered as she settled her hands on her hips and it was followed by a sigh. A guy with glasses then raised a brow at her.

" I don't remember any ' Aida ' that is famous except your dad, Riko --- WHERE DID YOU GET THAT CAN OF SODA!? " he was cut off when their coach threw the can of soda at his head she bought from a vending machine and then Izuki suddenly lit up.

" Hyuuga, you're lucky it's a soft drink. " 

" Izuki, shut up. " Hyuuga said with a straight face and then they all went inside the locker room to change --- Well of course, except Aida. She's just waiting right beside the door tapping her foot impatiently as she stare at her cellphone looking at the time and waiting for a message or something. Then when her basketball players came out of locker room she suddenly received a message from someone telling her that the car is waiting right outside their school.

" Okay everyone! Line up outside since the car is waiting! " Aida shouted out loud and they all follow her lead to the path leading outside their school. When they arrived near the gate, they saw a limousine with a guy waiting right beside him clad in a butler suit.

" Aida-san. Good Afternoon. " he greeted and bowed at the girl and opened the limousine door, she bowed back and entered the limo and later followed by the Seirin Basketball Club members who were still in daze because limousines are for rich people. After Hyuuga entered, the guy in a butler suit closed the door and entered the car too and started the engine and then drove to the airport. Only silence were lingering in the air as the members were feeling awkward since it's their first time entering a limo (except Kuroko because Akashi is rich af) while Aida is excited to meet up that certain someone.

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