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im in so much pain

that im going to break down

when im in pain 

i do stupid things

i dont want to be in pain anymore

but the pain helps me forget

im afraid that im going to die

with all this pain built up inside

no one can save me from this pain

i cant talk to anyone about the pain

they will just think im crazy

and have me take meds

the meds will just make me cause more pain

to myslef or to others

im afraid

but the pain wont stop

no matter what i do

i guess ill just live with it

even though it hurts

pain will foever be with me

everyone as pain

but my pain was cause by the wrong reasons

i just wish that my pain would be freed

but i know that it will never happen

i need to be freed from the pain

but i also need the pain to make me forget 

but the pain also make me remember

i cant take it anymore

i need to watch the pain flow out of me

but if i do that then im just hurting everyone around me

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