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A/N This is my first try a writing a story I know that it won't be great so please just give me a chance, this story will be co-written with @mykindofnormal She is also my editor, we have read many fan-fiction here on Wattpad and we are hoping that ours turn out alright.


I think it was all the collective sound around me that finally woke me up.

The rain was pounding on the tin roof of our two bedroom house, my dog Titan running around the backyard playing in the puddles, the music that was coming from somewhere and just the sounds that come at night.

I glance over at the alarm clock on the bedside table and it was flashing 12:29 am so at least it was telling me when the power came back on, thankfully I could hear my phone that was under my pillow still playing music. Waking up to Endlessly by The Cab can really put one in a good mood.

Being the lazy person that I am, I didn't fix the alarm clock I just pulled out my phone out to check the time. As I saw the screen I thanked the stars above that it was only 3:25 am which means I could get to the shower first if I hurried, Harley wouldn't be up for twenty minutes or so but once she was up I wouldn't be able to even go within ten feet of the bathroom door.

She would always be the one to get up first and she could tell whenever I was coming close to the door and being the good roommate that she is, she would make sure that I was awake by singing really loud to annoy me and so she couldn't hear me banging on the door to hurry her up, because she often uses all the hot water. Don't get me wrong she has got a fabulous voice but not when its five thirty in the morning and I'm just barely awake.

I decide that I had wasted enough time just lying on my bed thinking about my beautiful roommate who lived to annoy. She is so lucky that, that is one of the best things I love about her. I grabbed my phone and got out of my very comfy bed.

As I was getting up I could barely see what was in front of my feet and when I looked out my bedroom window, there was very little amount of light in the backyard as well because of the storm clouds blocking out the moonlight and the streetlights are permanently blocked out by our high hedges that surround the property.

So of course there is minimal light in my room as well, I thank the apple gods every day for making a torch app permanently accessible on the iPhone's, using the app I was able to manoeuvre around the bomb site that is my room and down the hall to the bathroom.

While washing my hair in the shower I caught myself thinking that in about 24hours Harley and I would be in London and we would get to see Willow for the first time in sixteen months. It is going the be so good to see her again, I am hoping that she is doing better now that she is away from jerk-face of and ex Damon.

He was such an ass to her, trying to get her fired from the biggest modelling campaign she had ever had just so he could get his new girl on the side in her place. I told Willow that he would just keep cheating on her but no, she refused to believe me until the designer asked her why she was there for the shoot if her manager had just called and said that she no longer wanted the job and that he was sending a replacement over right away. So yeah after that was all over she up and left for New York to get away from him, and made Harley and I go around and get her stuff from that asshole.

Just as I'm getting out of the shower I hear Harley's alarm going off, it still amazes me that people down the street let alone our next door neighbours couldn't hear her alarm because that is how loud she has them set. Luckily she found a new way for sound proofing a room while studying sound engineering at JMC academy so that only a small amount can be heard from the outside, so naturally I got her to do the whole house.

Coming out of the bathroom Harley is walking towards me, I can't help but notice how cute she looks in her teddy bear pyjama shorts and Adam Lambert glam nation singlet, I give a quick hug and whisper in her ear " Morning boo, we leave in forty and don't worry there will be bacon, eggs and tea for you downstairs when you get out, OK?" she just nods her head in reply and enters the bathroom.

As I walk downstairs to the kitchen I turn on a few lights for Harley so she won't fall over our luggage that's piled up around the front door. My uncle Chris should be here soon to take us to the airport so I best get started on brekkie for all of us.

I was just cooking the last of the bacon when the doorbell rang, I heard Harley answer it and start complaining to Chris that it's too early to be getting up for a flight, while he comes in and shakes off some of the water from his clothes. As they walk into the kitchen I place the cooked bacon onto three plates and serve up breakfast.

"Ok guys dig in and we can leave right after we finish"

I place my breakfast down on the table and say to Harley "You know why we have to leave this early"

"If I see my baby just standing there watching me leave I will cave and stay"

"You can be such a pushover sometimes boo, you know that right?" she answered. "He's not a baby anymore he is four years old"

"It doesn't matter how old he is he'll always be my baby" I state poking out my tongue at her.

I turned to Chris who was stuffing his face with eggs and said "Now I know you said that it would be ok to use the company card for all of the expenses on this trip. But I just don't feel right having you pay for all the shopping we will be doing".

"Ok, ok I understand but I don't want you two paying for the hotel room or meals got it?" he says giving us a disapproving look, "Or any taxies too" he adds and we nod our heads in reply.

After we finish and clean up the table Chris goes outside and starts loading up his car, Harley and I go upstairs and grab our toiletries. I take a last look around the house to see if there is anything left out that needs to be put away and meet Harley at the front door.

Harley looks at me and asks "Are you going to be all right without him?"

I'm looking out the kitchen window and turn around "Yeah I'll be fine, it's only a month, and he'll love the play time with Bonnie and Clyde". Bonnie and Clyde are my beautiful niece and nephew I love them to bits and Titan is so good with them.

"Anyway Chris will take good care of him" I follow her out the door and grab an umbrella for us to huddle under to the car.

Harley utters happily "Let's get going then".


We would greatly appreciate any constructive criticism. Feel free to comment and vote, but any rude or abusive comments will be deleted. I do not condone bullying in any form.

I will not set a goal of votes or comments ever. All updates will be posted at my own pace.

I love and thank you all for taking the time to read our story.

S & C xx

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