Chapter 1: What the hell man ? Who put that there?

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Chapter 1: What the hell? Who put that there?

Peyton's P.O.V

It has been a great 3 weeks here in London with my friends, that is if I don't count the crappy weather we have been experiencing. I know that I really can't complain I live in Melbourne but at least we get sunshine and rainbow when it rains.

It's pissing down with rain as we stand under the eve of a store front, Harley is looking at her phone trying to find the shop we were meant to be meeting Willow at half an hour ago.

I am on the phone talking to Willow trying to explain what happened

"So what we got lost, every street looks the same in the rain, just water pissing down and people running for cover" I grumbled. She was carrying on about something but I just wasn't listening.

She can be a real pain in the bum sometimes, well most of the time but she has always been like that so now I just let it go.

While Willow is complaining in my ear Harley pokes me in the arm and points down the street and says "Hey dork it's just down there".

I glance up to where she is pointing and see START that's the shop we have been looking for, so I quickly interrupt Willow "OK we see it, be there in a sec" and I hang up.

Harley takes my hand and starts pulling me along with her down the street towards the shop

"Come on Boo let's go before we upset Willow even more, You know that she is going to whine for the rest of the day already" she tells me.

"Yeah you're right" I reply "So, let try to salvage the night then, I'll race you" I cry as I let go of her hand and run off.

"Hey! You Meany" Harley shouts after me.

We are both laughing like crazy people running down the street; we receive a few weird looks from the people that we pass. We are doing well, we haven't fallen yet.

I get to the shop first and do a little happy dance, Harley just rolls her eyes and says "Ok, Ok you win now just open the door it's still raining you dork"

But as I open the door Harley is standing right behind me and shoves me through and I trip on the door frame and tumble to the floor, sliding across the floor and into a rack of long sleeve tops.

The two people that are in the shop have seen the whole thing and are laughing and looking on. One of the two guys comes over to help me up while his friend is still laughing.

I shout from under the pile of tops "God damn it! Boo you bloody bitch".

Harley enters the shop and sees me covered in tops and utters "What the hell? Who put that there?"

The guy standing above me grabs my elbow to help me up and says to me "That's not a very nice word to call a lady".

"You weren't the one being pushed through a door and into a clothes rack" I say as I get up off the floor and dust off my pants.

Looking up through my hair I look him over, I and find that I like his style, with his tight jeans and All Time Low band hoodie over his cap, but as I look at his face a see his disapproving but cute frown I stand up straight look him right in the eyes, well I think I'm looking in his eyes I can't tell he is wearing sunnies and ask

"You must kidding right? There's no lady here, just me and my hooker"

Harley makes her way over to me and Hoodie guy laughing at what just happened. When she hears me talking she looks between me and Hoodie guy and says laughing

"Bitch please, if anyone's the hooker it's you"

Hoodie guy is just standing there staring at us like we are insane while his friend moves closer to us still giggling quietly.

Willow comes out from the change room with a sale consultant following behind her carrying a lot of clothes, they go over to the counter to ring up Willow' s bill.

Willow turns around and sees that Harley and I are having a heated discussion and hurries over and slaps both of our arms and declares "OMG what are you fighting about now, I really can't take you two anywhere without you causing a scene".

"Ouch!" we reply together.

"It wasn't my fault I was the one who was pushed" I cried.

"These guys witness the whole thing, they can back me up"

She turns to me and says "Will you shut up and don't bring random people into your mischief".

Harley is giggling behind her hand at us.

Willow looks at her and asks "What are you giggling about?"

"You're not any better, what with pushing people and swearing in public"

"Ok Mum we're sorry and promise to never do it again" I say while raising my right hand and crossing two of my fingers.

She huffs and walks off to the counter calling us "Children".

The four of us crack up laughing at her antics.

Looking over at the boys Harley and I both notice that they are wearing caps and sunglasses. Harley looks to me and raises her I brows then asks both boys.

"Are you guys alright? Or have you both been in fights?"

They look between each other and Hoodie answer "No, why do you ask?"

I reply with "Well you both have your faces covered up" and shrug my shoulders

"We just thought maybe you guys are hiding some nice shiners?"

Giggles quietly asks "What's a shiner?"

"Oh sorry it's what we call a black eye" replies Harley

"Oh no it's nothing like that" Hoodie replies

"So what is it then, are you allergic to the sun?" Harley asks jokingly

"Ah it's not that either" Hoodie replies laughingly

Giggles shuffles form foot to foot and says uncomfortably "We're sorry girls but we can't say why"

"That's alright guys, everybody needs to have their secrets" I say patting Giggles arm.

"Ok well we're going to wait outside for miss stuck up over here, it was nice meeting you give us a call sometime" Harley replies give them a small bit of paper with her number written on it.

"Yeah, hopefully we'll see you around"

"Hoodie, Giggles" I nod at them and follow Harley outside.

Just be for I leave the store I look back over my shoulder and see Hoodie backhand Giggles in the arm and over hear him say "Dude you scared them away, they probably think that we are going to rob the place now"

Once I hear the end of his sentence I burst out laughing walking out the door.



Hello to all my little Squishies! (our readers) I have use song lyrics from the video on the side in this chapter, first person to find it and comment will get the next chapter dedicated to them. happy huntting!

Thanks again for read this story. We hope you enjoyed this chapter please feel free to comment and or vote.

S & C xx

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