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I was sitting at the dining table in Bobby's kitchen, researching. That's all I've ever done these years. Searching for omens or any sign for the damned yellow-eyed demon that took my family from me.

I'm Rhys. Rhys Emmet. I'm 24 years old, and 22 years ago that thing killed my father. My mother died during birth. So it was just me, my little sister and my dad.

One night on Taylor's 6th month birthday, it got into her nursery. My dad stormed in, hearing her crying. That's when it killed him.

It's lucky we lived near Bobby Singer. He took us in, him and dad were practically brothers. He raised us, taught us things. Things that other people don't know are out there in the dark.

A couple of years of living with Bobby. John Winchester dropped by. That's how we met them. I was 5, Taylor was 2. The four of us became the best of friends. Always looking out for each other, having each others backs. It was all good.

Until Taylor's 18th birthday. She found a hunt. That she thought was yellow-eyes. I told her it wasn't 'The omens are wrong' she didn't listen. She went by herself. Snuck out, a demon killed her. So I sent that ass hole back to hell where it belongs.

I closed myself off, from everyone. Bobby, Sam, Dean hell even John. I was 21 when that happened. All I've been doing ever since is researching a way to find that demon, and avenge my family.

I worked alone, I haven't talked to Sam or Dean since Bobby pointed a gun at John. Last I heard Sam went to Stanford. Good for him. At least he got out. I can't get out I don't want to.

I was going through the same obits and signs for the last few hours now, my eyes barley open. I jumped at the sound of my phone ringing. I picked it up, seeing an unknown number. I bunched my brows in confusion.

I answered cautiously "Hello?"

I heard a man chuckle on the other end "Its been a while, Princess."

I rolled my eyes only one person has ever called me that. "Dean. Why are you calling?"

"I just wanted to hear that pretty voice" I could hear the teasing tone in his voice.

I scoffed "Come on Dean, it's been years. What's wrong?"

He sighed "Look Rhys. It's my dad, he's been missing for a few days. Then left me this really freaky voicemail."

I could help him but I got things to do, I need to find this thing. "Dean..."

He cut me off "Rhys please, I could really use your help" I could hear the panic in his voice.

I couldn't say no now, I can just imagine the panic in his eyes. I sighed "Fine. Only for a few days."

He breathed a breath of relief, then came back his smug attitude. "You'll stay for longer, Princess. Remember all the fun we had"I laughed "Just come pick me up" I flipped the mobile closed, and shook my head in amusement. I best go pack. I pushed back the chair, then walked upstairs to my room to grab all the things I would need, for a few days.

Dean pulled up the next morning, at Singers salvage yard. Opened the driver door and leaned against the hood, waiting for me.

With my duffel on my shoulder, and a note for Bobby saying I was going to be gone a few days. I headed outside and towards Dean.

He hasn't changed much since I last saw him, bigger? Yes. Definitely more handsome. I can't deny that.

I could see his eyes raking up and down my body, then back to my eyes. Where I lifted an eyebrow. He winked and me and announced "Looking good, Princess. Looking good." he drawled the last part.

I rolled my eyes and shoved my bag to his stomach making him grunt. I smiled smugly, and bit the inside of my cheek "Oh yeah? You too Dean. You still act like a child?"

I laughed when he flipped me off. "Get in." he put my duffel in the back, while I got in the passenger seat of his beloved Impala. He rounded the car, and sped off out of the yard.

"So, where are we going?" I asked breaking the silence.

He didn't look at me, he stared straight out to the road "Stanford" he said. My head snapped in his direction.



"Yeah Dean, I heard you the first time. Why?"

"We're gonna get Sammy"

I huffed and shook my head looking out the passenger side window "He is not going to be happy Dean." I didn't get a response, he just turned his music up louder. I shook my head again.

Sam is not going to like this, and so we headed for Stanford.

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