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So apparently the boys found out some useful information on the bridge, and Rhys is still pissed that she got left behind. Making a mental note to get every fake badge the boys had. The information they got was that the missing boy Troy was dating one of the deputies daughters, and she was putting up missing posters around town, which is how the three where found leaning against the impala looking at the young woman with a stack if missing persons posters.

"I bet you that's her" Dean nodded his head towards the young girl, Rhys moves her concentration from her fingernails to the direction Amy.

She turns her head to the side eyeing up the girl, moving towards her barely hearing Sam's reply of "yeah" before she approached Amy with a sympathetic smile.

"Hi, you must be Amy."

"Yeah.." Amy turns her attention from her posters to Rhys and the brothers as they come up from behind the former.

Dean steps forward from behind Ryhs, deciding that he's going to be in charge of the talking here, Rhys sutlbly rolls her eyes but keeps her soft smile for the act as Dean begins to talk. "Yeah, Troy told us about you. We're his uncles. I'm Dean, this is Sammy." Amy's eyebrows raise slightly as she looks between the two burly men, then her eyes settle on Rhys. Just when she was going to reply that she was 'An old family friend' Dean threw his arm around her shoulders dragging her into his side, her face smacking against his hard chest. Rhys honestly thought that her teeth cracked from smacking into a brick wall. She quietly groaned into his chest when she heard him speak. "Ah.. and this, this is my lover." Rhys could see the smirk he was wearing without even having to look at his face.

Pushing herself free from his grip, and put of his hold she brushed herself down mildly glaring at him, while Sam hold his head in his hand. Obviously embarrassed by his brothers behaviour, all he wants is the information Amy can give them. Rhys continues to glare at Dean, then smiles smiles sweetly at him causing him to raise his eyebrows in amusement. "Ex lover.. Don't forget the Ex part"

At this point his cocky smirk faded from his face and he frowns towards her opening his mouth to to speak up at her before he's cut of by Amy's voice, she's obviously had about enough BS from these two. "He never mentioned you to me." With that she turns on her heel and walks away.

The boys share a look, turning to walk with her leaving Rhys to lag behind a few paces. "Well that's Troy I guess. We're not around much. We're up in Modesto." Dean explains as professional as ever, coming up with it on the spot.

"So we're looking for him too, and we're kinda asking around." This time it's Sam's turn to move the conversation their way as Amy comes to a stop putting up another poster. Rhys slips her hands into her front pockets as another young woman walks up to the four putting a comforting hand on her friends arm. Rhys notices that she's also helping Amy put around posters. Asking if her friend was okay, seeming happy with Amy's simple not and quiet 'yeah'.

Rhys takes a step forward eyes holding sympathy and a gentle smile "Mind is we ask you a few questions? It won't take long." Deep down Rhys knew that Troy wasn't going to be found, but she needed to keep anyone else from being taken.

A short while later the five of them sit cramped around a diner table, Rhys sitting between Sam and Dean while Amy and her friend Rachel sit opposite them. Not being able to get into a comfortable position as Amy begins to tell them what she knows, Rhys shifts uncomfortably accidently elbowing Sam in the ribs. He shoots her a quick side ways glance as she gives him the quick 'I'm sorry' smile, he shakes his head quickly getting back into Amy's story.

"I was on the phone with Troy. He was driving home, he said he would call me right back and... he never did." She glanced down at the table sadly while Rachel rubs her shoulder with sad eyes.

Rhys ends up resting her elbows on the table with her hands clasped together, somehow this has given her more room from between the two brick walls of men either side of her.

Sam leaned forward slightly, bumping into her shoulder knocking her off balance slightly as she knocks into Dean. She looks up at him to see him smirking down at her, rolling her eyes she looks away from him refocusing on the two girls.

"He didn't say anything strange? Or out of the ordinary?" Oh Sam, how can you be so big but sound so soft.

His softness is a gift as Amy shakes her head "No.  Nothing I can remember.."

Smiling that big friendly smiles Sam nods in understanding. A few moments of silence go by.. A few more moments and Rhys will start singing if it breaks the quiet. She thanks the gods when Sam compliments her necklace, so her eyes shoot to the necklace to see Amy turning it between her fingers. Seeing a pentagram in a circle, a devil's trap Rhys could recognise that thing anywhere. The amount of demons she's trapped in one of those, endless questioning about yellow eyes, about where he is. Only to get nothing in return, so she relishes in the fear in the demons eyes when she sends them back to hell.

She gets knocked from her thoughts as Dean takes his arm of the back of her seat, almost smacking her in the back of her head. Instead, she gets nudged into Sam who doesn't seem to care that he got nudged and fixes his stare on the two girls while Dean tries to at least get something. "Here's the deal ladies. They way Troy disappeared, something isn't right. So if you know anything." The girls share a look, and Dean tilts his head picking it up "What is it?"

Rachel sighs looking between the three of them before ansewring "Well, it's just.." she hesitates for another second, maybe thinking we'll find her crazy for what she's about to say "I mean, with all these guys going missing.. people talk."

"What do they talk about?" Que the Winchester sync mode, the two friends share another look.

"Its kind of this local legend. This one girl? She got murdered out in centennial, like decades ago" Dean looks down at Rhys and glances back nodding slightly. This is what they've been waiting for. "Well.. supposedly, she's still out there. She hitchhikesand whoever picks her up? Well, they disappear forever"

Rhys nods her head thanking the two girls for their time while gently shoving Dean out of the booth. Hearing Sam mutter his own thanks before following Dean and Ryhs out the diner. Now time for some research.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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