Woman in white.

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The three continue to drive until they pass a sign leading into Jericho, Rhys sits in the back of the impala looking out of the window watching the scenery pass. She listens as the music Dean favours pours from the speakers, while also trying to focus on the conversation Sam is having on the phone.

She keeps her eyes out of the window as Sam finishes up his call, he sighs and turns to Dean "Alright. So, there's no one matching Dad at the hospital or morgue."

Rhys rests her elbow on her knee putting her head in her palm, she turns her attention to the boys at the front of the car, feeling a little better since Sam started his calls. She didn't want to believe that John would be in hospital injured.. or hell even dead. John was- IS a great hunter, getting that news from Sam has given her hope that he is out there, that they will find them. 

She leans forward slightly in her seat, using her free hand to smack the back of Sam's "That's something at least huh?" He turns slightly so he can see her the corner of his mouth twitching up in a smile. Their attention is drawn to the road in front of them as Dean call out, Sam leans forward to take a closer look while Rhys takes her head out of her hand putting her forearms on each of the boys seats sticking her head right between them.

In front of them is a bridge full of the police, their lights flashing as some check out a car while others are checking the water underneath the bridge. Rhys raises her eyebrows watching the scene unfold in front of her. Dean pulls up, turning the engine off. He pushes Rhys' head to the back effectively pushing her back in her seat, she makes a noise of complaint, just about as she goes to tear him a new one he leans over Sam opening a glove compartment. Pulling out a box revealing that it's full of his and John's fake IDs, he ruffles through it before pulling out two he throws one in Sam's lap. Rhys pops her head over Sam's shoulder looking down at the ID, she turns her head to see Dean swinging open the driver side door throwing "Let's go." over his shoulder. 

Sam sighs opening his door and exiting the car, Rhys scowls as she realises she doesn't have a federal marshal ID. She leans over the seat that Sam had just occupied looking to both the boys, she waves to the badge that Sam is holding and chuckles slightly as they both look at her "Look, guys.. I don't have one of those fancy badges" she trails off, the reason she didn't have one being.. well she hasn't really been on a proper hunt for a while.. you know too preoccupied with finding the demon that tore her family apart. 

Dean laughs at her expecting expression, she turns to glare at him while he laughs at her helplessness "Oh.. this is too good!" she rolls her eyes while Sam looks between them face written with confusion "Do you have any badges?" he grins as she bites her lip and looks away "Oh sweetheart, looks like you gotta stay in the car."

She gives him her middle finger while he continues laughing like it's the funniest thing in the world... it really isn't Dean c'mon.. Sam gives her an apologetic look while he pushes Dean towards the crime scene. She flops herself back in her seat in the back of the Impala watching the backs of the boys until they get to the crime scene, she watches as they approach and talk to the cops flashing their badges. She rolls her eyes, clearly seeing the cockiness radiating off Dean from this distance. Rhys turns her attention away from the boys, confident that Sam will tell her what happened and the facts that they gathered. 

She check her phone seeing a text message from Bobby 'A hunt? Really? That's different.. Be safe.' She sighed, she loves Bobby he practically raised her.. hell he did really. She remembers nothing of her mother, the memories of her father fading. She sees Bobby as her Dad, she laughs quietly to herself as she remembers the few times she actually called him Dad. They both brushed it off as if it were nothing. She smiles down at her phone writing out a quick reply, simply saying 'You know I will. See you soon.' Flipping her phone closed stuffing it back in her pocket, she returns her attention back to the boys seeing them walking towards the car.. then seeing Sam smack Dean across the back of the head. She snorts a little laugh watching the boys have a silent argument.

Her eyes go wide and her amusement fades as she watches two men in suits and the sheriff walk up behind Dean who stopped in front of Sam. She kept watching seeing Sam's eyes go wide at the presence behind Dean, Dean obviously noticed and turned around seeing the three new men. Rhys curses to herself knowing that the two guys in suits are the real FBI, and that Sam and Dean have fake badges. She worries to herself in silence, breathing a sigh of relief as the boys approach the car.            

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