sixteen | first draft

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"Another Saturday, another slip from the jar," Cooper says, sprawling his arms out behind his head as he makes himself comfortable on his bed

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"Another Saturday, another slip from the jar," Cooper says, sprawling his arms out behind his head as he makes himself comfortable on his bed.

Ellie pushes herself up from the foot of his bed, holding back an eye-roll as he watches her walk across the room and retrieve the jar—something he'd been too lazy to do while he was up.

Taking a seat on the end of his bed once more, she wiggles around a bit before getting comfortable and leaning her back against his wall. She turns to Cooper, whose eyes never seemed to have left her, and holds the jar out to him.

His head shakes as he softly pushes the jar away. "It's your turn to pick."

"I'm okay," she says, pushing the jar back out to him. Admittedly, not really wanting the responsibility of having to pick the task for the day. "You're better at it."

A deep laugh sounds from him as he pulls his head back, allowing a slight double chin to form from his relaxed position on the bed. "How can I be better at grabbing a piece of paper from a jar? It's not exactly something you can be good at."

"Which is what makes your abilities that much more amazing."

"Just pick a piece of paper, El. Stop being weird."

"Fine," she huffs, reaching her hand into the jar and grabbing the first sharp edge that hits her fingertips. She pulls it out, unfolding it quickly before reading the task. "Roller skating."

"Roller skating?" Cooper asks, lifting his head from the pillow to get a better look at her. "You've never been roller skating?"

Attempting to mask her embarrassment, she confidently says, "Nope."

"What about all the roller skating parties in elementary school? Did you just not go?"

"I went. I usually played arcade games and watched from the side. I watched my old best friend fall and knock her two front teeth out and ever since then I've been too scared to try."

He holds back a smile as he regards her with a look of pity. "So, that's it? Just roller skating?"

Her bottom lip finds itself hostage to her front teeth as she bites down on it. "I've always wanted to go roller skating at Alki."

"Alki beach?"

"Is there another Alki in Seattle that you're aware of?"

"It's January. Alki is going to be freezing."

Shrugging her shoulders, she tosses the slip of paper in her hand aside and pushes herself up from the bed, but not before giving Cooper's leg a condescending tap. "Well then I guess we better bundle up."


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