twenty-three | first draft

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"Ellie," Cooper whines from the passenger seat, the upset nature to his tone only exciting her even more

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"Ellie," Cooper whines from the passenger seat, the upset nature to his tone only exciting her even more. "Why do I have to wear a blindfold? It's been, like, forty minutes. Surely I don't still need to be wearing this."

"Don't question me, Coop," Ellie says firmly, her eyes trained on the road ahead of her as she wills the smile on her lips to settle down. Seeing him slumped against the seat of a car with a blindfold on shouldn't send such an odd wave of pleasure through her.

"I like it when you call me Coop." He turns his head to face her, despite his lack of sight. "It reminds me of a chicken. I love chickens."

Ellie laughs, pressing her hand on his cheek to push his head away from her. He flinches when her hand suddenly connects with his skin, his shoulders tensing up before they relax once more. "That's great, really. Now stop staring at me. It's making me uncomfortable."

He tilts his head back in her direction, lifting his head in an attempt to peek underneath the blindfold, though it is to no avail. "Oh. I'm sorry. Am I making you uncomfortable with my staring?"

"Yes. That's what I just said."

"How rude of me. Staring at you with this blindfold covering my eyes. The nerve, honestly," he mocks with a certain elegance to his tone. "I can't believe I'm still even in this car. Had it been you, you would've been kicked out long ago. I don't tolerate such disrespect."

"Shut up, Cooper."

He leans in over the center console, his face only inches away from Ellie's. She squirms in her seat, uneasily inching closer to the window to escape him and his blind stare. A smile tugs at his lips when her hand finally connects with his chest to push him back into his seat.

With a loud laugh, he says, "Oh, sorry. I thought I was leaning in the opposite direction."


"You're right," he says, accompanied by a mischievous grin. "Now how about we take this blindfold off me, babe? Or are you setting me up for some big kinky reveal?"

With a groan, she reaches over and tugs the fabric away from his face. He blinks rapidly to adjust to the brightness of the outside world, his eyes having been shielded from the sun for too long. When they've finally adjusted, he looks over to Ellie, his eyes lighting up when he sees the amusement on her face.

Without another thought, he reaches over the console and grabs hold of her hand, easily resting their hands together in her lap. With his free hand, he reaches for the soda in the cup holder and brings the straw up to his lips. "So. Where are we going?"

"I told you. It's a surprise." She fixes him with a blank stare. "Honestly, you are a child."

"Need I remind you of our trip to Vegas? You acted the exact same way. Maybe neither of us are very good with surprises." He sets the drink back down in the cup holder, studying his gaze on their surroundings. "Seriously. Where are we?"

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