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Okay, so I figured I should do a FAQ page containing questions from you guys. Hopefully this clears things up. But if not, then you are more than welcome to PM me.

1. What is the 'Angel of the Week' challenge?

This is an open challenge for everyone. You do not have to apply for it to take part in it or to be the chosen AOTW. I'll be selecting a book each week by the author who I feel has had the most helpful/honest comments, completed tasks on time, is respectful to everyone etc. The book will be of any genre and rating, so don't read it if you don't feel comfortable with the content. However, those that have chosen to participate (your name will be put on the list) will have to read (and comment) on a minimum of 3 chapters (or more if you want) of the selected book. Each comment must be a minimum of 2 sentences and must contain constructive criticism and or advice (i.e. things you liked and things you think they can improve on; do not be vague). Failure to do so will result in a strike.

2. What is the 'Pairings' challenge?

I'll be choosing your partners for the week according to your interests and dislikes. You will have to read and comment (at least 2 sentences per chapter) on a minimum of 3 chapters (or more if you like it). You must also include constructive criticism and or advice for each comment (i.e. things you liked and things you think they can improve on; do not be vague!). This is a compulsory challenge (if you selected it) and will result in a strike if not completed on time or if not completed properly. Once you've completed your part, either PM me or comment below saying 'done' and (if you'd like) an overall comment of your partner's book. If your partner hasn't completed their part, message me and I'll remind them.

3. What is the 'Heaven's Choice' challenge?

I'll be putting you in groups of 3-5 (maybe more) people, according to your interests and dislikes. You will have to read and comment (at least 2 sentences per chapter) on a minimum of 3 chapters (or more if you like it) for all of the books in your group. You must also include constructive criticism and or advice for each comment (i.e. things you liked and things you think they can improve on; do not be vague!). This is a compulsory challenge (if you selected it) and will result in a strike if not completed on time and or if not completed properly. Once you've completed your part, either PM me or comment below saying 'done' and (if you'd like) an overall comment of your partner's books. If the other members in your group haven't completed their part, message me and I'll remind them.

4. What challenge(s) am I allowed to do?

You are allowed to do whatever challenges you like. You can do all of them, or one. Whatever you choose it's up to you. You can always change your choice at any time, once confirmed with me.

5. What do I have to comment on?

You have to comment on a minimum of 3 chapters. You must begin each comment with #ALPOHBookClub so that I can easily find your comments. Each comment must be at least 2 sentences containing things that you liked and or disliked about that chapter. The goal is to help the author, so when commenting, keep in mind things that you feel will be of use to them in order for them to improve. If you comment saying things along the lines of, 'Great chapter', 'Please upload soon', Love this' etc, then I will not count it as a comment and you will have to do it again.

6. Can I join?| Is there enough space? | Will I be accepted?

I accept all genres/ratings/topics of books so everyone can join in. This book club is always accepting new members, so as long as you fill in the form and abide by the rules you will be accepted.

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