chapter 2

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"Shit."I say under my breath, knowing that I was in for one of Emily's fits even though its been like a week since Hannah humiliated her in the lunch room.

"What do you want from me?"I say, rolling my eyes as I turned away from Hannah to face her.

"I want you to tell your bitchfriend to fuck off."

"Excuse me, but look who's talking. You know what? I think you should fuck off, ok?"I tell her because, honestly I'm sick and tired of her shit.

Emily opens her mouth to make another comment, but I can just tell she's got nothing. I smirk at her as she huffs in frustration and stalks off.

I turn around and Hannah's really close now. She's literally centimeters away from me. I'm frozen; I have no idea what to do. She rises up on the tips of her feet since she's a few inches shorter than me and lightly brushes her lips against mine. It was soft and quick, but passionate.

"Thanks, Luke."she whispers.

This is the first time she has ever called me by my first name so I blush and say,"Anytime, Han."

She pulls away, smiles at me, and walks away without another word.


School was over and I had invited Michael and Hannah over to play some video games. We were in the car and all those two were talking about was their favorite video games and what one we should play. Well I shouldn't say talking, they were practically screaming at each other.

"FIFA!"Hannah yelled at Michael.

"NO. CALL OF DUTY."he yells back.

"Would the both of you shut the fuck up? I'm trying to drive here."i say.

They both glared at me and if looks could kill I would be dead right now. I just shrugged at them while keeping my eyes on the road.

When we arrived at my house, they had finally decided on Fifa. I didn't really care which one, I liked both. I was just glad it was decided. We went inside and I went into the kitchen to order some pizza while Michael handled setting up the game.

"What should I order?"I ask Hannah, who was sitting at the small table towards the corner of the room on her phone.

"Pepperoni for me."she said looking up at me with those sparkling green eyes that seemed to change shade every once in a while. Right now they were a deep emerald that seemed to hold many secrets deep within them.

When I managed to snap out of my trance, I nodded and took out my phone to order.


"Thanks!"I said to the delivery guy.

"PIZZA'S HERE!"I yelled to Hannah and Michael.

"FOOOD!"screamed the both of them.

I set it down between us as Michael and Hannah played. Soon Hannah got tired and decided that I should take her place and she'll watch.

It was 3am by the time Michael and I were done playing Fifa. Hannah had fallen asleep sitting on the floor with her back leaning against the couch.

"I gotta get home, dude, or my mum's gonna be really pissed with me."said Michael, breaking the silence.


Michael says good bye and leaves me wondering what I should do about the girl asleep on my living room floor. I decide to let her sleep over and hoped that my mum wouldn't mind. So I pick her up gently and lay her on the couch while being careful not to wake her. She turned over so her back was facing me and shivered a little so I grabbed her a blanket. As I laid it across her body, the bottom of her shirt slid up a little revealing a name. A boy's name.


'What?Who's Calum and why does she have his name tattooed on her back?' I thought to myself. This was all I could think about as I lay down in bed. I fell asleep without getting any answers.

I woke up at 9 and got dressed. I just threw on a tank with some ripped black jeans. When I got downstairs to the living room, Hannah was still asleep. The expression on her face was so peaceful and calm. She was under the blanket curled into a ball with her knees pulled up against her chest. I didn't know whether or not I should wake her. She ended up making the decision for me.

"Morning, Hemmings."she said groggily.

"Morning, Han. You hungry?"

She nods and stands up. We walk to the kitchen and I pour us both some cheerios. As we sit down at the table all I can think about is the tattoo. Who even is this Calum dude? What would have made her tattoo his name on herself? Is he her boyfriend? Finally, I can't take it anymore.

"Who's Calum?"I ask cautiously.

She looks up from her cereal and shoots me a glare.

"Ok so not your boyfriend?"I say playfully.

She sighs,"I guess I would have had to tell you sooner or later. Calum is my ex-boyfriend from London. He stabbed me with a knife after drinking too much with a bunch of his friends. That was after I got the tattoo obviously."she rolls her eyes and looks at her cereal without another word.

After a few minutes she pushes her bowl away from her and goes back into the living room. I follow and sit down on the couch with her.

"I'm sorry."I say pulling her in for a hug.

I kiss the top of her forehead as she rests her head on my shoulder.

"Hannah, ever since the day you walked through the door I felt like I've known you all my life."I say nervously.

I can feel her smile as she says,"Same with you, Luke."

She pulls away from my embrace and looks into my eyes. We both lean in and press our lips together. When we pull away I tell her,"Hannah, I will always be here for you. I will never hurt you."

She looks into my eyes and its as if she's looking deep within my soul. When she's done I can tell she believes me. I smile and kiss her again.


okay excuse me while i go cry because of how cute i think hake is

im sorry i cant help it (':

alright im done now

well i hope you like this and ily for even reading what i write

i promise to update as soon as i can

ok byeeeeeee


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