chapter 6

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Hannah's POV

Its been a few months since I first saw Calum. I haven't seen him once since then. I'm really starting to think I was just imagining it. Everything. I honestly wish I was.

I was walking home from school by myself. Luke normally walked me home, but he didn't come to school today because he wasn't feeling well.

It all happened way too fast for me to process. He had my arms behind my back arresting style and his other arm across my neck tightly so I started coughing, all in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, babe, long time no see."whispered the voice that sent shivers down my spine and was actually in all of my nightmares.

Shit. Calum.

"Not long enough." I spat at him trying to wriggle out of his grasp.

I was about to scream when he shoved me to the ground. Hard. He held my head up by my hair and cupped his hand over my mouth.

"You don't wanna do that."he said smugly.

I bit his hand and jerked my head back so I hit his nose. Then I jumped up and started to run. He recovered quicker than I expected so before I could get two steps away, he grabbed my ankle and I fell. He was soon on top of me, pinning my arms down with his knees. He shook his head and clucked his tongue in a scolding manner.

"Get off of me you fucking son of bitch!"I managed to say before he slapped me across the face.

Man, that stung. I felt the tears forming in my eyes, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. I blinked them away while he lifted me up and flung me over his back. I punched and kicked and bit and scratched but nothing worked. You may be surprised how no one did anything at the sight of this. Well, in this part of town that I have to walk through in order to get home, people just don't get involved. If it doesn't have anything to do with them, they stay out of it. In other words, they mind their own business.

It took us a really long time to get to the crappy motel Calum was staying at. Maybe an hour or two? All I know is that it was long enough for me to have no idea where the hell we are. I'm not sure. After he opened the door to his room, he went straight to a closet and threw me in there. There was rope already there so he tied my hands and legs, "Fuck you, Calum."

"Not yet, sweetheart."

I rolled my eyes and growled,"I hate you. You'll never get what you want."

"I pretty much already have."he shrugged and smirked at me.

"Someone's going to find me and you will get arrested for kidnapping."I said as confidently as anyone could in a situation like this.

"You mean that Luke kid? No he will never come. If he does your gonna wish he never did."

How did I ever love that beautiful face and soft curly hair? Those sparkling brown eyes. Wait, those eyes are from my good memories of him, now they seem almost black and cold. They were cold, dark pebbles that honestly frightened the shit out if me.

I try hide my worry for Luke, but I guess it didn't work because Calum started to smile triumphantly. I glared at him as he stood up and backed out of the closet. He gave me a look that a lion might give the prey he just caught and closed the door.


Luke's POV

Why isn't she answering my texts? Did I do something wrong? Does she hate me now?

Hannah? Hannah are you there?

I texted her again.

No reply.

Hannah, are you ok?


I put my phone down on the dresser next to my bed and run my hands through my hair. I should have went to school today. At least I could have seen her or talked to her or something.

Man, I hope she's ok. I don't know what I would do without her.....Luke, nothing's wrong stop thinking like that.


I practically tackled my dresser hoping and praying that it was Hannah.

Stop texting her. You might as well forget about her because you're never going to see her again.

Who the hell is "C"?


No it can't be.......could it?

Yes it could.



It was scary that I could practically hear his laughter.

Well, at least your not stupid. Ahahaha, what are you gonna do about it if I don't?

What am I going to do? I have no idea where he is or what he's going to do or how much time I have. Snap out of it, Luke! You know what you're going to do. You're going to find her, no matter how much or how long it takes.

You don't wanna know.

The next message came with a picture.

We're done talking. Goodbye forever from the both of us.

It was of the both of them. Calum was there smiling while Hannah looked like she was in so much pain. She looked so angry and sad and worst of all, alone. I felt like I'd been shot with a bullet to see her like that. Her eyes were red from holding back tears and her cheek had a dark circle on it which I'm guessing is a bruise from him most likely.

I have to find her. I just have to.


action packed chapter just for you guys

i wanna thank you guys so so so so much for so many reads and votes ily all


oh and we cannot for Michael's new hair color

*cough cough* molly i know you freaked out again 😏😏

ok byeeeeee


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