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*Taylor's POV*

"Just have one more bite and then you can be done", I say, watching Ollie eat his lunch on a stool at the kitchen counter while I finish cleaning up.

"But Momma, I full", he whines, holding his tummy and bending over dramatically. I narrow my eyes and watch as Ollie scrunches up his face and starts to wiggle around on his seat.

"Oliver Scott Wiles, if you don't sit up properly and have one more bite of lasagna, Mommy will be very sad", I say, glaring as he sits up slowly and stubbornly shoves the fork into his mouth.

He then looks at me with sad eyes as if I had just forced him to do the most terrible thing in the world, and I look away, redirecting my attention towards the sink, not wanting to encourage his behaviour.

"I feel sick", Ollie mumbles, pushing his plate away and folding his arms.

I take Ollie's plate and carry it to the bin, clearing the contents before putting it in the dishwasher and wiping the counter in front of him. Ollie had been acting up all morning, and I knew that it was because Adam was coming today.

He had been excited when I told him yesterday, but I could tell that the excitement had worn off and that Ollie was nervous about seeing his Dad.

I sigh and leave what I'm doing, walking over to where Ollie is sitting and lifting him onto my hip.

"Daddy's going to be here soon and he isn't going to want to see a grumpy boy", I whisper, kissing the side of Ollie's head.

"My tummy hurts and I want to stay here wif you", Ollie says, vigorously shaking his head.

"I'm sure your tummy will be much better after you've taken a nice long bath", I say, walking out of the kitchen and carrying the toddler upstairs.


Ollie is drifting off to sleep in front of the TV and I'm finishing some work emails when we hear the doorbell ring. He perks up and slides off the couch, running towards the front door.

I slowly stand up and take a deep breath, following him out into the hallway.

I'm just about to tell him to slow down when he trips on the edge of the rug and goes flying, falling flat on his face.

He starts to scream and I rush over, picking him up and assessing the damage.

"Oh, honey. You need to watch where you're going", I say soothingly, rubbing Ollie's back as he wails and buries his face in my chest.

I sigh and walk towards the door, looking out the peephole to see my husband standing there with his hands in his pockets. Adam still had his key so he could have let himself in, but I guess he was trying to respect my space. I close my eyes for a second and inhale deeply, before unlocking the front door.

I make eye contact with Adam for the first time in five weeks, and step back to let him come in without saying a word. Ollie is still bawling in my arms as I sway him back and forth, and he hasn't yet noticed Adam's presence. Adam shuts the door behind him and stands there confused and unsure of what to do.

"He fell", I mouth, to which Adam nods.

"Ollie, baby. Look who's here", I whisper, causing Ollie to stop wailing momentarily and look up.

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