8. Follow the Crumbs

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*Adam's POV*

3 weeks later

The doorbell rings and Ollie perks up from where he's lying on the couch, engrossed in Finding Nemo.

"Did you hear that, Ol? It sounds like it could be Mommy", I say, watching my little guy's face light up as he quickly scrambles to his feet.

Taylor had been staying in Nashville with her parents for the last week, while Andrea had her second round of radiotherapy. She hadn't intended on staying out there for so long, but Andrea's body hadn't taken the treatment as well as it had the week before, so Tay had wanted to stay with her while she got over the worst of the side effects.

Ollie grabs my hand and drags me towards the front door, waiting anxiously as I undo the lock and chain and swing the door open. Sure enough, there's a blonde beauty standing on the doorstep, with security standing behind her at a distance, carrying her luggage.

"Momma!", Ollie squeals, as Taylor drops her purse and the three year old leaps into her arms. She makes her way into the house, still encased in Ollie's embrace, as I thank security and take my wife's luggage, as well as her discarded purse.

As soon as the door is closed, Taylor gently sets Ollie back on his feet and moves towards me. She looks exhausted as I wrap her up in a warm embrace, familiarising myself with the scent of her shampoo once again. Her arms tighten around my torso until she's grasping onto me for dear life, and we stay like that for a few minutes, until Ollie starts pulling at our legs, feeling left out.

Taylor lifts her head off of my chest and looks up into my eyes, smiling sadly before planting a strong, yet brief kiss on my lips.

It didn't take a genius to tell that she was emotionally drained from the week she had just had, and I was glad to have her home for a while.

We untangle ourselves from each other and Taylor plasters a big smile on her face, looking down at Ollie before lifting him into her arms once again, squeezing him tightly.

"Momma, you're hugging too tight", Ollie whispers, wrapping his arms around Taylor's neck as she loosens her grip on him.

Ollie had missed her a lot while she was away, and I had spent the past seven days wiping the teary eyes and snotty nose of a very upset little toddler after our nightly FaceTime calls with Momma. He had also refused to sleep in his own bed, and insisted on sleeping with me, on Taylor's side specifically, so he could smell her pillow while he slept.

"You're still in your jammies at 2pm? Oh my goodness, what has Daddy done to you?", Taylor exclaims, tickling Ollie's belly while carrying the excited toddler into the living room.

I follow them in and we all choose a couch to sit on, subconsciously coming together and sharing a family cuddle. We sit in silence, enjoying each other's presence for at least fifteen minutes, before Taylor finally speaks.

"I missed my boys", she whispers.

"Ollie, why don't you go and look for the painting you did for Mommy at art class on Tuesday, bud?", I suggest, gaining the three year old's attention, in an attempt to speak to Tay alone during the ten minutes it would take for him to look for it.

Ollie nods his head excitedly, giving his Mom a kiss before sliding off of her lap and disappearing to the playroom.

"You took him to an art class? That is so cute. How come you never mentioned that on FaceTime?", Taylor asks, scooting further towards me, laying her head on my chest.

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