4. The Day After

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*Taylor's POV*

I wake with a pounding headache the next morning and sit up slightly in bed, looking around and realising that Adam is no longer beside me. I go to grab my phone from my bedside table and see a glass of water and two Tylenol, accompanied by a note.

Bringing Ollie to the park because he's super hyper this morning and I don't want him waking you. We'll pick up some breakfast on our way back, so take the Tylenol while you wait, because I'm guessing that your head isn't feeling the best after last night...

- Adam ❤️

I smile at the note and put it back down on the table, taking the Tylenol and flopping back down into my pillows, wallowing in self pity as I try to recall what happened last night. I don't remember much except for drinking a lot of wine and quoting Romeo and Juliet, and I can't shake the feeling that I had said something stupid to Adam. I groan at the thought of it and close my eyes, desperately trying to go back to sleep, to no avail of course.

Just as my body is about to give in and I feel my eyelids getting heavier, I hear the front door open and Ollie's little footsteps sprinting upstairs. "Ollie, let's leave Mommy have a lie in this morning, okay bud? How about we go back downstairs and have our breakfast?", I hear Adam whisper, as he follows Ollie up the stairs and tries to lure him back down to the kitchen.

Ollie clearly isn't in the mood to obey his Dad's orders, because I hear the handle of the bedroom door being struggled with, before the three year old finally manages to open it. I quickly shut my eyes and pretend to be asleep, but Ollie is having none of it, because he climbs onto the bed and starts nudging me, calling my name repeatedly.

I give in and open my eyes, laughing softly when I see just how close Ollie's face is to mine. "It's morning time, Momma. We saw lots of baby duckies in the pond at the park and Daddy helped me to feed them bread because it was breakfast time for them too. You gots to get up", he whispers, playing with my hair and brushing it out of my eyes.

"I'm awake, bubs", I say, stifling a yawn and rubbing my eyes.

Adam is standing under the threshold with his arms folded, and he looks at me apologetically as I wrap my arms around Ollie. I smile at him reassuringly to let him know that I don't mind being woken up, despite my deadly hangover, and kick the duvet off of me, letting go of Ollie and slowly getting out of bed.

"Momma, you're not wearing pants", Ollie gasps, staring at me as if he had never seen my bare legs before. I'm still dressed in Adam's t-shirt from when he had helped me into bed the night before. Adam chuckles and shakes his head, and I glance at him and stifle a laugh, before turning back around to face Ollie.

"Ollie, I'm wearing underwear, because sometimes adults wear their undies to bed instead of pyjama pants", I reassure him, lifting the hem of the t-shirt slightly and showing the band of my underwear to calm the concerned toddler.

Ollie blushes and nods, wrapping his arms around my leg. "I didn't see your undies under the t-shirt and I thought you were nakey, Momma", he mumbles, twiddling his thumbs.

"No, honey. Don't worry, I'm not naked", I say chuckling, grabbing a robe and wrapping it around me, before lifting Ollie onto my hip.

Adam is in stitches at this stage, and reaches his hand out for me to take it.

"You were definitely naked last weekend", Adam whispers into my ear, earning himself a firm nudge in the ribs as my cheeks turn red. We make our way down the staircase and towards the kitchen, Ollie clinging onto me like a baby monkey.

"You got crêpes for breakfast!", I squeal when I see the familiar takeout bags from my favourite french café sitting on the kitchen table.
I set Ollie down on his feet and turn towards Adam properly, wrapping my arms around him and placing my lips on his.

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