Chapter 4

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It was a long walk to the town she saw off in the distance. Her fourteen year old legs were beginning to give out on her and her stomach was growling. Would she try to make an honest living in this town or be forced to steal to survive? Despite her current struggles she did not regret her decision. Even if she did, the entire village vanished behind her and she did not know if she would be able to find it again. She neared the village but needed a distraction, so she opened her book...

"When Captain Charlotte finally entered the Abyssal Ruins," she began to read out loud just to hear anyone's voice. Even her own was a comfort at this point. "She did not find the treasure she was seeking at first."

Before Mira could go on, someone barreled into her, knocking her to the ground and causing her book to fly up in the air. She scrambled to catch it then caught a glimpse of who knocked her over. It was a tall boy with blue hair. The boy was wearing ragged clothing that was covered in dirt and holes.

"Watch where you're going!" The boy yelled as he continued to run. Mira stared at him blankly before three adults rushed past her chasing the boy. A fourth adult came out screaming.

"Give us back that watch, you little bastard!" Shouted the man. He could no longer see the boy or his pursuers, so he looked around and saw Mira sitting on the floor clenching her book. "Are you hurt, little girl?"

"I'm fine." Mira answered, getting back to her feet.

"Are you lost?" Asked the adult.

"No, just new to this place."

"Then perhaps I could interest you in a Millwake specialty watch!" The man pulled watches out from what seemed like no where. Mira stared at them.

"I have no money, sorry."

"I see. Well enjoy your stay in Wintermelt." The man said.

"Thank you." Mira said with a bow then made her way past the man into the town.

The town was large and every building had a blue tint like the color of the sky itself was becoming part of everything beneath it. The dirt ground beneath her feet even seemed to have some blue in it and some buildings had small waterfalls cascading down into ponds. The sight of water made Mira's cat ears perk up and she knew she was where she wanted to be.

There was a large pub to the right as soon as she entered the village. The words "Riverway" were on the front on a dirty brown sign that must have been there for years. Mira walked up to the door and entered between two large male adults who were just exiting. She wrinkled her nose because they smelt of alcohol and had to sidestep one of them that was staggering out the door. Expecting nothing more than a bar inside, she quickly realized that this was just a place to hang out and not necessarily just a place to get drunk. Numerous people were sitting at tables all around her, talking and having a good time. She saw some adults with their children sitting at some of the tables as well. One of the children, a small boy, wandered over to a table with food set up on the side and looked around before grabbing a piece of bread and walking back over to his parents.

Seeing the bread made Mira zone out everything else around her. She had not eaten for days and was walking a lot so she was starving. The smell of the bread captivated her and drew her in like she was under a magic spell. She walked over to the pile of bread and took a piece for herself, looking around wondering if it was ok. She took a bite and the bread melted in her mouth. Without evening swallowing the piece she bit she already felt rejuvenated. She closed her eyes, enjoying herself, only to open them to a large man dressed in all white who looked furious.

"Did you pay for that, young lady?"

Mira wanted to answer but her mouth was full of bread. She went to speak but another boy grabbed her by her arm and dragged her off.

A Soldier's Crest: Shadowed LivesWhere stories live. Discover now