The Kiss

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Chiaki finally left to airport to New York after fed Nodame, at least now that is the only thing he can do. He feels guilty for leaving her, but after she full fed, she acting like usual, that makes him at ease. Now first stop Carnegie Hall.

Nodame slightly tell about Kanemoto senpai to Chiaki. She said she meeting old friend today, but Chiaki seems not to hear her. He's busy to tell her to keep practicing her Liszt. She keeps insisting Liszt and Chopin are alike because they are friends, but he tells that only in her imagination. She still not understands. She looks at her phone it's still early, Kanemoto Senpai finished the program at two, she had four hour to spare. Unconsciously she walks to her apartment complex, to Chiaki's room that now becomes her second messy room, then she tries to play her fusées, with frustration she still don't get what Liszt wants. She keeps practicing unknowing someone watches her.

She playing the piano, what amazing sound she makes, he listens with thump-thumbing in his heart. He thinks he fall in love instantly when he first sees her, but know, he knows that he always love her long before he knew it. But his sees her frustrations while playing the piano, she seems disappointed with herself. He walks slowly entered the room. The room is messy, he remembered her friend gossiping about it in the goukon, but there a male ambiance in this room, this is not her room, and it's her boyfriends. There a sudden ache in his heart, she living together with his boyfriend.

"Megumi?" He asked. She still focusing to her piano, he touched her shoulder gently and repeated.

"Megumi?" She jump a little, take a time to recognize his face that gives him another ache in his heart.

" AH .. Kanemoto senpai, what time is it? Gyaboo, it's already noon. I forgot time, I'm so sorry, we can skip a few venues, but we can still have your tour, I'll promise you'll have a great time!" She said hurriedly, close the piano lid.

"Don't, don't close it, I want to hear your playing. "He said hold her hand which closing the piano.

"Ah, what song?" She asked smiling.

"Play your favorite piece" He smiling back at her. Her heart flutters. After all he is her first love. She plays it without thinking, Pathetique. She played with smile in her face, she look so peaceful, her finger played by its self her eyes closing, he sits beside her, she not realize it, she seems in trance. After the song finished he cannot longer hold his feeling, he kissed her gently.

Nodame is running in the hills full of green grass, the breeze is light. Someone catches her hand and hold her. He touches her face softly, and kissed her, its Chiaki Senpai, she kissed him back, but its feels strange. She open her eyes shockingly, Its Kanemoto senpai.

"Megumi, I like you." He whispers. Her eyes looks betrayed, she closed her pink lips with her hands, so cute.

"Ah Kanemoto senpai...." She said after a moment.

"Ah ... sumimasen, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have ..." he said awkwardly scratches his hair. She suddenly looks around, stands up, and packed her bag.

"We should go. " She said, quickly to the door. He followed her. She keeps walking in silence until they reach a park nearby. He grabs her hand she stopped, and turning to face him.

"Megumi, I know this maybe too fast for you, but the thing is I think I like you. " He tried to touch her face. But she moves back.

"I'm sorry, Senpai" She said slowly. She looks at her shoes.

"No worries, I just saying my feeling towards you, so there nothing you need to do, I just wants you to know. I made mistake long time ago, now I don't want to repeat the same mistake. Can we just enjoy the rest of the day?" He says it in lightly. She looked at him, his brown eyes seems honest, there's nothing wrong to enjoy rest of the day with a friends, Chiaki senpai won't mind, he said nothing when she brought up the topic.

Kanemoto Senpai is a romantic person, Nodame felt so guilty for enjoying being with him tonight, she really have fun dinner, now the just walking in Parc de la Villette, the conversation flows naturally, most of it nostalgic. Nodame felt different with his presence, unknowingly she behave differently.

"Nodame, is that you?" she heard someone called her, its Tanya, something stirred in her heart, more guilt carve in her heart. She waving ecstatically, but when she sees Kanemoto Senpai, her face puzzled. Tanya is with Kuroki, which made her felt guiltier.

"Konbanwa" She said uneasy. Tanya looks at her full of question, but she can't read Kuroki's face.

"This is Kanemoto senpai. My old friends in junior high school. "

"Hajimemashite" Kanemoto bow at Tanya and Kuroki, Tanya awkwardly smiling, Kuroki still look expressionless.

"Kanemoto Senpai is a dentist, he had a workshop here. I'm giving him a city tour. " Nodame explained.

"This is Tanya, and Kuroki San, they are my friends in Conservatoire. Tanya plays piano same as me, Kuroki plays excellent oboe. "She said again after long silence between them. Tanya looked interested.

"An old schoolmate, meeting here what a coincidence. " She said intriguing. Kuroki now looking directly to Kanemoto without saying anything.

"Actually, I tried to find her, after I hear about her in my last Goukon. So I tried to find away to go to France, and now here I am. " He explained excitedly smiling to Nodame who's smiled back at him.

"Where is Chiaki?" finally Kuroki said something. He now looks uneasy seeing the closeness of Kanemoto and Nodame.

"Forget him, can you see, Nodame looks happy meeting her old friend. " Tanya snaps on him. Kuroki look annoyed but saying nothing and avoiding looking at nodame now.

"Have you eaten? Let's eat! Kuroki will pay!" Tanya said again, Kuroki definitely not paying.

"Oh sorry we already have dinner." Nodame answer politely, surprising Tanya and Kuroki, Nodame refusing free food.

"Oh okay, see you then?" Tanya becomes speechless. Nodame seems not realizing it just wave and walk away.

"She's acting so weird, she looked like a normal person, that's not right, I'm calling frank" She said determined.

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