Chapter 7

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Song of the chapter ~ Spaces by One Direction

I stare out the window, waiting patiently for Ben to get back. Our flight is supposed to be leaving soon, but Ben got stuck in the back of the line when everyone started boarding. I guess I could've helped him cut, but it was his fault he had to go to the bathroom. He could've went back at the hotel room like I did. People talk loudly all around me, as they find their seats, but I tune them out, until I feel someone sit down next to me. I turn around, expecting Ben, but instead I see Josh. He smiles widely at me. "What the fuck?" I sputter. "What are you doing here?" I lower my voice as I notice people staring. "I told you I'd be here didn't I?" He smirks at me. I turn away from him, and pout, glaring at the seat in front of me. "You really are the most annoying person ever, you know that? I mean can't you go sit somewhere else?" I ask. "And your really bad at insults." He laughs at his own joke, making me even more irritated. "Look, Jen, I'm sorry for being so annoying, okay. I promise I won't bother you for the rest of our flight. I'll just sit here and look straight ahead. I won't even ask to watch a movie with you." That makes me smile, as much I wish it didn't. "Fine. You can stay." I turn to look at him and see he's smiling too. We both look away after that, ignoring each other, until Ben shows up. "What's he doing here?" Ben looks down at Josh. "Same thing as us. Going back to Kentucky." I sigh. "Do you want him sitting next to you?" He asks. "Yeah, It's fine. He can stay here, just sit behind us or something." I mumble. He doesn't argue with me and goes and sits down in the empty seat behind us. After a few minutes of silence I turn to look at Josh and see he was already looking at me. I smile for a second, but it disappears quickly when I remember I'm supposed to be mad at him. "What're you doing when we land? I mean where are you gonna be staying and everything?" I ask. "I guess I'll stay at my parents place for a couple days until I can get a place of my own." I nod, I don't know why he wouldn't just stay with his parents the whole time. Unless he plans on staying here a bit more permanently than I originally thought. "In fact, I should probably call my mom now. Explain the situation to her and everything." I nod, in agreement. "Yeah, you should." I watch as he pulls out his phone and calls his mom.

They talk for a few minutes, about how he's been and things like that. Then when his mom finally stops bombarding him with questions he takes her silence as his chance to talk. "Anyways, listen. I've got something to tell you." He begins. "I'm gonna be a father in about six months?" He glances at me, unsure. I just nod. "What?" His mom's shocked voice screams through the phone. "You're going to be a grandmother." His lips turn up into a smile.  "What? Josh what are you talking about?" She asks, still yelling. "I uh.....I know it's a lot to process but just let me explain." He tries to explain but she cuts him off. "Josh! What the hell? You can't just go around getting girls pregnant!" I can't help but smile at that. I bite down on my lip as I hear a stream of yelling coming from Josh's phone. "She's not just a girl mom, it's Jen." Suddenly, she stops yelling. Her voice changes tone completely and it gets so quiet I can no longer hear what she's saying anymore. "I know, I know. It's sudden." He pauses, allowing her to respond. "Yeah, I just found out a couple days ago." He looks at me. "Okay, yeah. I'll see you when I get home." He hangs up and slides the phone back in his pocket.

Nighttime rolls around, but Josh and I both can't seem to fall asleep. I turn on my side and look at him and he does the same, both of us staring at each other in the darkness. We stay frozen like that re-memorizing each other's faces. He has the most perfect lips I've ever seen. Even now, I remember how soft and wonderful they felt against mine. I look into his eyes and I wonder if he's thinking the same things as me. "I can't sleep." I state. "Me neither." He smirks at me. "Do you wanna watch a movie together?" I ask. "I thought you didn't want to watch a movie with me." I smile at that. "I changed my mind." We sit up, turn on a movie, and put our headphones on. We have to scoot closer to each other so we can both see the same screen, but I don't mind. We watch the movie together, and our feet intertwine as I lean my head up against his arm rest, finally starting to fall asleep.

When I wake up it's lighter. I'm not sure how long I slept, but it couldn't have been very long. I'm still exhausted. I'm about to fall asleep again when I start to feel like I have to pee. "I'll be right back. I have to pee." I say, sliding by Josh. I return back from the bathroom and Josh smiles at me as I slide past him again and sit back down in my seat. I glance out the window, wishing I was back home in my bed. "God, I can't wait to get off this fucking plane." I say. "Me too." Josh agrees, following my gaze out the window. I lean back and try to get some rest, and after a few minutes I begin to drift off again. About an hour later we arrive in Kentucky.

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