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Okay so that's a poem...NO SERIOUSLY? I'm kinda busy so yeah I made poems because it's fast, I'm writing a short-story and I plan to do a sort of fanfiction but turn it into a poem, anyway, I promise I'll try to finish them as soon as I can!! So enjoy that poem based on a certain character *cough* (just tell me if i've made any mistakes )



it's a nice day

to observe the population

staying on the roadway

it's just my addiction

it's been a while

that I've noticed you

you are so unexceptionnal

But I approach you

Actually I'm bored

but don't be worried

I promise I'll play nice

because I seem nice

oh, You're not honest

so what's your secret?

Don't runaway!

I'll discover it anyway

I could shred your mind

Cuz I'm the mastermind

But I won't, you didn't revealed

everything that I wanted

Oh before I forget

Don't go near that monster

Or you'll rest, but not in peace

He is a slaughterer

and I bet you'll be get

So I can't let him be in peace

You're getting boring

Is our little game already finished?

Now that you know me,

You probably love me

How useless was you life!

I'll just throw you off

Look what you've done!

Now you're all alone.

You're aggressive? Just Back-off

Or you'll embrace the inexistent afterlife...

Des Choses par Moi // Things by meOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant