Running into new friends

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After having followed Delsin and Penny to where they'll all be staying at until they find a way back to Vale.

"Hmm." Derek said. "This place is huge, and it seems to have five rooms."

"It does." Penny said. "Three rooms have master beds while the other two have a single bed."

"Meaning the two rooms with the single beds would be for Ruby and Blake." Kyle said.

Delsin nods. "Yep."


Later that day Derek and Ruby were walking around town looking at the different stores, while getting some groceries.

"Out of they way I'm gonna be late again!" A girl yelled as she almost bumped into Ruby knocking her over, a black cat followed the girl as they went around the corner.

"Man what's with her?" Ruby asked.

"Sorry about that." Another girl said. "She tends to be late for school, my names Rini but you can call me Chibi Usa, the one that ran past you both is Serena but our friends call her Usagi, the cat with her is Luna."

"Very talkative aren't you?" Derek asked. "Well Rini, this is Ruby and I'm Derek it's nice to meet you."

"Like wise." Chibi Usa said. "Are you two new around?"

"Well yes and no." Ruby said. "It's a long story."

Derek nods. "Yeah long story, we would love to explain it but I'm gonna take and guess you'll be late for school as well."

"That's about right." Chibi Usa said. "Oh but maybe later today you can explain it to us, there's a shrine at the top of the hill not far from here that's where me and Usagi go to talk with our friends sometimes."

"Sure sounds like a plan." Derek said.

After having that said Chibi Usa walked off to catch up with Usagi who was waiting but was having a talk with Luna.

"You should have watched where you are going." Luna said. "You nearly knocked that girl down."

"I know." Usagi said. "This is the last time I'm going to be late, if I don't sleep in that is."

Chibi Usa walked up to them. "Well then Usagi we should get going then, also those two that you ran past I invited them to Rei's shrine later today."

"You did what? But you know how Rei is when people show up unannounced." Usagi said.

"Less talking more moving." Luna said. "Chop chop you'll be late for lunch."

Ruby was peeking from around the corner and turned back to Derek. "Did you just hear Luna talk? Or was it me?"

Derek nods. "Yeah I heard as well, somethings fishy here maybe we should ask about that later but first lets go back to the others before the food goes bad."

"Well I know one thing." Ruby said. "That Rini girl left me a card."

Derek raised an eyebrow and looked at Ruby. "Oh? What's it say?"

"It says lets all be friends." Ruby said. "Think it will work out I mean you know with you, Delsin and Blake being ya know."

Derek shrugged. "I don't know maybe I mean if they don't freak out about it, also I noticed a arcade maybe me you, Kyle and Yang could go."

Ruby smiled. "Sure see which one's a better gamer? Or just for fun?"

"Maybe both." Derek said as him and Ruby started walking back to where the others are.

Not far a man in a white lab coat was watching them, he then smirked as he turned around and went into a building. "So Delsin Echo is here, excellent everything went as planned."


After going back to the others Derek told them about the little run in they had as Yang was checking Ruby for any injuries.

"Yang I'm fine." Ruby said. "She almost knocked me down but she didn't, plus Rini said there's a shrine at the top of a hill where we can go to meet their other friends, also this is gonna be a weird but....."

"But what?" Penny asked. "What's weird?"

"Well what Ruby's trying to say is, the cat Luna Rini told us about well lets just say we both heard her talking." Derek said.

"A talking cat? Like an actual animal cat that talks?" Weiss asked. "I'm sorry but this all sounds like it's made up."

"It's not." Ruby said. "I mean if you think about it Derek and Blake are talking cats but they're not full cat."

"Look we'll know the truth once we go to the shrine later today to talk to Rini and Serena about it." Derek said.

"But what if they find out about us being like this?" Blake asked pointing do Derek's ears and Delsin's eyes.

"If they ask we'll tell them the truth, I'm sure they'll also be truthful." Kyle said. "So we wait for the time to go to this shrine."

Penny had the TV on the news channel as they were talking about the  sailor scouts saving the day once again from evil, Derek decided to prepare lunch for everyone. Blake grabbed a book and started reading as Kyle and Yang went outside for some air.

Weiss was humming as she brushed her hair and noticed something outside. "Hey dear can you come here?"

"Sure what is it?" Derek asked as he walked over to where Weiss was.

Weiss points outside. "Isn't that the girls you and Ruby ran into."

Derek looks as he sees Chibi Usa and Usagi walking down the street. "Hmm yeah that's them alright but I thought they were heading to school?"

Weiss shrugged. "Well all I can say is Serena's hair looks like two meatballs attached with spaghetti noddles."

"speaking of that, we're having some ramen for lunch." Derek said.

Weiss smiled and kissed Derek on the cheek. "Sounds good I'll be ready to eat once I'm done Kay?"

Derek nods as he went back to the kitchen to finish making lunch, Weiss then went back to brushing her hair and humming.

"I'm sure Rei wont get mad at us for inviting some people to her shrine." Chibi Usa said. "Besides those two seem friendly enough to trust with our secret."

"You don't get it do you?" Usagi asked. "Rei will chew my head off like she always does if she's not known about who we're inviting to our Sailor scout meeting."

"Come now I'm sure she wouldn't be that mean." Luna said. "Besides, who else can we trust? Not everyone knows of who we are Usagi."

"I guess your right Luna." Usagi said. "Well time to go back to boring school and wait till it's time to leave."

"I guess so." Chibi Usa said. "See you later Luna and Usagi don't get in trouble again."

"Yeah yeah, you're starting to sound like my mom." Usagi said as her and Chibi Usa went their separate ways back to school.

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