The edge of breaking

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Sailor Moon and Kyle where now in the room that they had entered, once they had a good look around Sailor Moon noticed something was off with Kyle.

"Hey are you okay?" Sailor Moon asked. "You seem distracted."

Kyle didn't answer as he was too busy looking for the key or for a way out.

"Hey I'm talking to you." Sailor Moon said. "What's wrong? Don't dodge the question here Kyle."

Kyle groans as he looked at Sailor Moon. "What, what is so important that you want to know?"

Sailor Moon jumped from the tone of his voice. "What is wrong why do you look so distracted?"

"I'm not distracted." Kyle said. "I just want to hurry this up and get out of here so I can see if Yang is safe."

Sailor Moon sighed but nodded her head. "Yeah you're right lets get this done with fast." She then started searching the room more not finding anything.

Kyle looked around and noticed something at the far right of the room. "What is that?"

Sailor Moon looked over where Kyle was looking at and noticed the object. "Hey isn't that the key?"

Kyle shrugs. "It could be but why is it such an easy find though?"

Sailor moon thinks for a moment and looked around. "It could be a trap but...." She then went over to where the key was and grabbed it. "Huh guess I was wrong"

Suddenly four hidden doors opened up in the room they were in, growling and snarling was heard as Grimm walked out of the doors.

"Well crap Grimm." Kyle said. "Guess we better get this over with at least we have the key right?"

Sailor Moon sweat drops and rubs the back of her head laughing a little nervously "Yeah well.....about that, you see the thing we thought was the key wasn't the key."

"Oh give me a fucking break." Kyle said. "Now we have to  find that we don't even know where the hell it is"

A Ursa stood up from the crowed of Grimm and roars as the charged at the two hero's, as it raised it's right arm up to strike at Sailor Moon there was a quick breeze that was sent past her as the Ursa's arm was sliced off.

Kyle had his katana blade out as he held it at the direction the Ursa was going for he then looked at Sailor Moon and then back at the Grimm. "Normally I don't do this but you go find the key I'll take care of them."

Sailor Moon nodded as she left Kyle to deal with the Grimm, As she found another door that led into a different room she noticed a few chest and lockers she cocked an eyebrow up and sighed. She then looked around the room to find something to open the chest and lockers, after searching the room she found a few small keys for the chest and lockers to open them up and see what was inside.

While she was looking Kyle was on the last few Grimm as he used his semblance to finish them off. After killing the last few Grimm Kyle looked  around and noticed the door Sailor Moon had went into and went into the room to see if she had found anything useful.

Sailor Moon had opened every chest and lockers and had found nothing but piece's of paper hinting at nothing, she then heard the door open as she looked to see Kyle walk in, she walked up to him and showed him what she had found. "This is all I found Kyle I don't think we can find the key we need"

"Damn it." Kyle said. "Where would the key be then?" He walked around the room to find anything that would be helpful for them to find the key.

Sailor Moon looked more and noticed a small outline in the wall, she cocked an eyebrow up and walked over to it. "Kyle look at this, what do you think  this is?"

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