Recovering from injury

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After getting back to the other's Kyle and Yang went to talk alone about something while Sailor Moon and Jupiter watched over Derek as for Ruby she had wrapped her cape around Beta who was still out cold.

The other doors opened up as the rest of the team had came out, Mercury, Mars, Venus and Sailor Chibi Moon went to put their keys into the door as Weiss noticed Derek was out, she ran over to him as she looked at Sailor Moon and Jupiter.

"What happened?" Weiss asked with a worried tone.

"Everything that's what." Jupiter said. "Ruby told us that while her and him were looking for the key they got attacked by a mutated Cinder, and that boy there, name is Beta Geno Dr. Geno's son."

Penny over heard as she looked at Delsin. "You think we should trust him? Even though he is Dr. Geno's son?"

Delsin nodded a bit. "I guess but we have to make sure he's on our side."

Tuxedo Mask walked over to the others and looked. "What else do we need to do next?"

"Nothing." Luna said as she jumped down from the window. "I was watching you all from the HQ and came as soon as I could though, it seems we have a evil spirit amongst us."

"We know." Jupiter said. "Dr. Geno almost electrocuted Derek, and Ruby told us what happened so I wouldn't be surprised is if the evil spirit that was inside Derek before him and the others showed up here must've came back."

"Yes but it seems the spirit is weak as things go on it will get stronger." Luna said as she walked a circle around Derek. "If we survive this and you all manage to get back to your home world I would highly suggest keep an eye on your friend."

"Yeah....." Weiss said as she looked at her boyfriend. "Did you try anyway to wake him up?"

"We tired yes." Sailor Moon said. "But nothing happened."

"Maybe you should try something Weiss." Luna said. "If nothing works then you all are going to be out of luck from here on out."

Sailor Chibi Moon looked and frowned. "Aw.....hey what about smelling salt?"

"Tried that." Ruby said. "Didn't work."

Blake stood against one of the walls and looked over at Weiss. "Kiss him Schnee, that should work I know this isn't Sleeping Beauty but it's only option I have in my idea book for you to try."

Weiss mumbled and sighed. "Fine I'll try but if I'm kissing a dead body then you're to blame Blake."

Sailor Moon, Jupiter and Luna walked back to give Weiss some space to do so. The other's looked to see if it would work or not, they all kept faith hoping Derek would wake from his injury.

Weiss leaned closer to Derek as she put her lips on his, she then wrapped her arms around him and kissed him deeply hoping to warm him up she noticed he was cold which had her a bit more worried as a few tears ran down her face.

Ruby had a frown on her face as she lost hope, she then stood up and slowly walked off, Mercury noticed Ruby walk as she went after her.

"Ruby where are you going?" Mercury asked as she stopped Ruby from leaving.

"It's my fault...." Ruby said. "I should've listened to Derek when he told me to watch out."

Mercury looked at Ruby and sighed. "Don't put the blame on yourself, things happen it's just if you were the one to get hurt like that Derek would feel the same way he wouldn't forgive himself if you got shocked by the electricity."

Ruby looked at Mercury as she had tears in her eyes now. "Is that how it's like here in your universe Mercury? Someone steps in to save someone from a trap?"

Mercury nodded her head. "Yes it is Ruby, me and the other scouts saved Sailor Moon from lots of traps only for us to get knocked out but it's the hope and faith that keeps us alive and strong you need to have the same with this Ruby."


After having a long talk with Ruby the two girls went back to the main room and noticed Derek and Weiss were gone.

"Um so.....did thing's work?" Ruby asked curiously.

Yang shook her head. "No I had to help Weiss take Derek outside for a better shot of things."

"Oh...." Ruby said.

Luna jumped onto Ruby's head from where she was. "I've never seen so much people worried like this."

"You would be if something happened to Sailor Moon." Blake hissed as she stormed outside.

"Oh brother." Kyle. "Well things went from good to worse I guess."

Delsin looked around for something to pass the time while they all waited for some news.

Meanwhile Outside

Weiss was doing some CPR on Derek as tears fell onto him. "Come on damn it! Wake up!" She kept going but no luck. "Don't leave me Derek!"

Blake was not far as she was hiding her face as well not wanting to show any tears but then looked to see someone coming. "Who the hell are you?!"

"I'm an friend, my name is Sailor Pluto, I'm sure the scouts forgot to mention me and the other's." Pluto said as she looked at what was going on. "I can help with your brother's recovery."

Blake cocked an eyebrow up. "How? We tried everything what is it that you have that we haven't tried?"

Pluto walked over to where Weiss was as she held her staff up and summoned a potion from the air. "This will help"

Weiss took it and poured it into Derek's as she looked at him. "Derek please wake up....."

Pluto looked as she put her hand on Weiss' shoulder. "Give it time to work, he will be awake in no time, for now you two go inside I will watch him for you."

Weiss sighed as she stood up and waved Blake on as the two went inside leaving Pluto and Derek outside, once they got inside everyone looked at them.

"Where's Derek?" Penny asked. "Is he okay?"

Blake looked at the Sailor Scouts. "Your friend Pluto showed up and gave him a healing potion."

"Sailor Pluto is here?" Sailor Moon asked. "What about Uranus, Neptune and Saturn?"

Blake shakes her head. "Nope unless they show up to help us take Dr. Geno down."

Time passed as everyone waited for a answer, suddenly the door opened as Pluto walked it as Derek followed in from behind.

Weiss' eyes widen as she ran over to Derek and hugged him. "I'm so glad you're had us all worried and scared."

Derek smiled a little. "Sorry you guys I didn't mean to....."

Blake walked over to him and hugs him. "Don't you ever do that again, you hear me little brother?"

Derek nodded his head. "Yeah, I'll try not to next time, I wanted to make sure Ruby was safe though."

"She is." Sailor Moon said. "Now how about a little payback on Dr. Geno?"

Derek nods in agreement. "Yeah he'll pay for what he did, now we're all here to take him down so let's go."

As they all went to the door that leads them to the room that would take them to Dr. Geno's area Sailor Uranus, Neptune and Saturn show up on in the nick of time as they were ready to join everyone in battle against Dr. Geno.

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