Chapter 10

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~the next morning, December 20, 7:00 am Wednesday~
"Good morning Harry" Ginny said.
Ginny looked over to see that Harry was gone.
"HARRY" Ginny yelled. 
"I'm here" Harry said walking in with a tray.
"Aww thanks Harry" Ginny said seeing the food on the plate.
"Your welcome" Harry said.
"I'm gonna go get breakfast ready for Ted and I, if you don't mind" Harry added.
Then Harry walked into the kitchen and made waffles. Then he woke up Teddy and brought him into the kitchen. Then they ate.
~when they were done~
"Okay Ted do you wanna play a game with mum and I?"
"How about Monopoly?"
"Okay, if you get mum, I'll start setting up the game, okay?"
So Teddy went to his godparents  room and Harry went downstairs. Harry got out the game and set it up. Just as he finished, Teddy and Ginny came downstairs. Then they played, and an hour and a half later Teddy won.
"Can we have ice cream?" Teddy asked.
"Sure" Harry said.
"What kind do you guys want, I'll get it" Ginny said.
"I want strawberry" Teddy said.
"Chocolate please" Harry said.
Then Ginny went to the kitchen and got 3 bowls out. Then she put strawberry ice cream in one of the bowls, and chocolate ice cream in the other 2 bowls. Then she brought all the bowls into the living room. Then they ate their ice cream. When they were done they read until lunch time. Ginny made macaroni and cheese, with some salad. Then she put pumpkin juice on the table. After the boys came in, they ate. When they were done it was 12:30 and Teddy went to color, then Harry and Ginny went into the lounge upstairs to plan more of the wedding. Here's what they planned

 Here's what they plannedWhere:

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When: December 28th 4:30 pm

The invitation:

(Just pretend it says the right info)

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(Just pretend it says the right info)

Then Ginny went online and they asked if they could reserve the beach for that time. They said it was fine. When they were done, it was 1:45 and they went downstairs.
"So Teddy, we found a place that we thought would be fun to go to" Harry said.
"Okay" Teddy said.
"It's called Sky Zone"Ginny said.
"Okay it sounds fun" Teddy said.
"It's a trampoline park" Harry added.
"Ooooh trampolines" Teddy said.
"Do you want to invite Victorie?" Ginny asked
"Sure!" Teddy said.
"Do you wanna go tomorrow?"
Ginny asked.
"Yeah" Teddy answered.
"Okay I'll write to Bill and Fleur" Ginny said
"Okay" Teddy said.
So Ginny got some parchment and some ink and a quill. Then she wrote:
"Dear Bill and Fleur,
Harry and I found this trampoline park in America called Sky Zone. We were wondering if we could take Victorie with us because Teddy wanted to bring her. We were going to leave tomorrow at 3:30.
Then they decided to watch 4 movies. When they were done, it was time for Teddy to go to bed, so Teddy got ready for bed, then put him to bed, Harry and Ginny got ready for bed, then heard a tapping at the window. Ginny opened it, and gave the owl a treat. Then she opened the letters, it was from Fleur, and she said that Victorie would love to come, and that they could just pick her up when they left, so Ginny wrote back saying okay.
And then they watched t.v till they went to bed

Heyyyyyyyy guys! So that was the chapter!😄 I hope you liked it, and if you did please vote and comment on how I could make it better! Anyways guys, byeeeee

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