Chapter 4

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I slowly realized I was still at the manor. I was sitting at the table with the Malfoys. Draco told me it was alright to eat. I hesitated a bit before eating. The dinner was calm and quiet before I remembered something.

The Weasleys....


"Hermione?" He replied.

"When you got me from the Weasley's... Did you tell them where you were taking me?"

"No, not a word," he replied.

I sighed and looked for my wand.

"I need to go back," I stated.

They all looked shocked.

"There is no way, I am letting you go back there," he said firmly.

"I can go back if I want to go back," I replied.

"No, you can't," he growled.

I stood up and walked out of the dining room. He rushed after me. He grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"You're not going," he stated.

"Veela or not, you can't control me!" I snapped, ripping my arm from his grasp.

I took in a deep breath.

"Thank you, for the food and kindness. I'll see you at Hogwarts in a month," I said, opening the door.

I was about to leave when he grabbed my wrist.

"Can I..." He took a deep breath, "can I come with you?"


She bit her lip, an action I found a bit cute, and closed her eyes.

"I...I don't see why not," she breathed.

I sighed in relief and pulled her into my arms. She squirmed in my arms so I held her a bit tighter.

"M..Malfoy?" She stuttered, slowly giving into the hug.

"Yes love?"

"Can we... Can we leave now?"

I sighed and let her go.

"I suppose," I muttered.

She grabbed my hand.

"You'll have to apparate. I don't have my wand," she told me.

I smiled and apparated.

When we got to the Burrow Hermione quickly grabbed my arm to steady herself. I smiled and looped my arm around her waist. She pulled me off and glared.

"What would the Weasleys think?" She asked.

I glared at her when she knocked. Molly Weasley opened the door and scooped Hermione in a hug, causing them both to get burnt. They jumped away and Hermione glared at me. I ran my hand over her arms and the burns disappeared. Molly yelled when she noticed me, making the whole family rush out.

Within seconds, I had the family's wands pointed at me. Hermione stood in front of me.

"Put your wands away! All of you! Now!" She yelled.

When they didn't lower their wands I started growling. They all had their wands pointed at my mate.

Hermione lightly smacked my chest.

"Shush," she ordered before turning back to the shocked family. "Lower your wands."


"I said, lower your wands!" She yelled.

They hesitantly put them away.

"Hermione, what's going on?" Harry asked.

"I'm planning to explain, inside," she replied, grabbing my hand and dragging me into the house.

The family followed and we all sat in the den.

"Malfoy... You are going to have to explain the first part of where you took me, as I wasn't well enough to remember anything," I stated.

"Well... I guess it started when I woke up..." And I proceeded to tell them my side of the story.

After I had finished my side Hermione finished the story. By the end, Ronald looked furious, enough to kill.

Harry rounded on Ron.

"You hurt her?!" He asked, walking closer.

"They're lying!" He yelled.

Harry slammed Ronald into a wall.

The two men drew their wands but Ronald's wasn't at Harry, but at Hermione, a livid look on his face. He said only one curse before I got to him.


Hermione screamed. I could feel her pain. I quickly took my Veela form, scaring everyone in the room. I rushed forward, grabbed his throat, and beat the living snot out of him. I continued to beat him up until I heard Hermione whimper.

I dropped the filth that was in my hands and looked at my mate. Percy was getting her back on the couch, making burns show all over her. I rushed to her side, turned back to human form, and took her into my arms.

The family watched as I healed the burns with my hand. I drew my wand and muttered a few quick healing spells to stop the bleeding and keep her stable. I gently set her on the couch. I was surprised when she didn't have any objections as I healed her.

"Where is her stuff?" I asked.

"Malfoy," Hermione muttered.

"Why do you want to know?" Harry asked.

"So I may get her stuff to my place, obviously," I scoffed.

"Why would you-"

"Because it's obviously not safe here, as she keeps getting hurt," I replied before he could answer.

"She doesn't-"

"Potter, I suggest if you don't want to look like your friend, you will show me to her stuff," I stated, gesturing the beaten Weasley that Molly and Arthur were healing.

"Hermione?" Harry asked the weak girl.

"Just show him my stuff, I'm too tired to fight," she yawned.

He sighed and brought me upstairs. He brought me to her stuff so I packed it up in her bag with a flick of my wand and put her wand in my pocket. He looked greatly irritated when I went back downstairs.

To my surprise, Potter grabbed the collar of my shirt, despite the height difference.

"Malfoy, if you hurt her, I will shred you to bits, Veela or not," he spat.

"There wouldn't be a need, Potter. As if I hurt her I am destined to hurt myself... And should I come to the point where she won't even look at me by my birthday, I will die," I replied.

Hermione was already asleep when I got downstairs. I gently picked her up. She groaned lightly while I stepped into the fireplace.

"Malfoy Manor!"

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