Chapter 11

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McGonagall cleared her throat behind us so we looked over.

"Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Granger, I would like you two to meet me in the headmaster's office after the feast please," she stated, walking up to the front of the room.

She started the speech for the beginning of the year.


After the feast, Hermione and I went to McGonagall's office.

"What do you think this is about?" I asked.

She shrugged so I knocked. We went in.

"Please take a seat," Headmistress McGonagall said.

We both sat in the chairs.

"Ms. Malfoy has informed me of your situation," she started. "Because of this, I have arranged so heads have a private dorm this year. I must ask however, that I may inform the school of your heritage, for the safety of my students. I am aware of how aggressive a Veela can get if it's mate is around other males."

I felt Hermione's anxiety. I'm sure I felt the same.

"Yes... You may tell the school, I just ask you will allow us to leave before you make the announcement, as to not draw any attention to ourselves," I replied, feeling Hermione's relief at my request.

"Of course," McGonagall smiled, before it turned to a serious look. "And Mr. Malfoy, I must remind you, even with the Veela situation, I must ask you don't 'sleep' with Ms. Granger," she said with air quotes. "I know the marking doesn't require anything more than a bite, let's keep it that way."

"Yes ma'am," I replied, flashing a small smirk at Hermione.

McGonagall stood up.

"Allow me to show you to your dorm," she said, opening the office door.

We followed her to our dorm. It was two doors down from the room of requirements. It had a portrait of Fred Weasley.

"I'll leave you to discuss the password, have a good night," McGonagall smiled.

"'Ello Hermione," Fred greeted, "long time no see."

I felt a wave of her sadness. She gave him a sad smile.

"Yeah, it's been a few months," she replied.

"Alright, the password's Gred and Forge," he told us.

Hermione said the password and went in. She gasped at the beautiful room. Within seconds she was running up one of the two staircases.

"This is my room!" She yelled.

I made my way up the other, admiring the common room that was a mix of the houses. When I got to my room I opened the door. It looked like the Slytherin crest vomited all over my room. Green and silver, everything.

I tried to feel Hermione's emotions, but they were weak. She fell asleep quickly. I was pretty tired myself. I laid on my bed and closed my eyes.


I rolled over and cuddled the blanket.


I hugged a pillow.


I don't like this... Is Hermione safe... Her room is so far from mine... What if she gets hurt and I don't know...

My thoughts made it impossible to sleep. I then remembered Hermione needed a new wand. So, to get my mind off things, I wrote a letter to Olivander and sent it with the heads owl.

My nerves got the better of me. I creeped down my staircase and up Hermione's. I slowly opened the door and looked at my sleeping mate. I instantly felt more relaxed when I heard her soft snores.

I couldn't help it. I shut the door behind me and crawled in the bed next to her.

"Draco? Why are you in here?" She mumbled when I put my arms around her protectively.

"I couldn't help it love, I'm sorry," I whispered.

"It's... Alright," she yawned, falling back asleep.

I Nuzzled my nose into her hair and inhaled lightly. The smell of my mate slowly made me drift to sleep.


I felt Hermione get out of the bed so I opened my eyes.

"'Mione?" I yawned.

"I'm just going to shower," she whispered. "Go back to sleep."

"Can I come too?" I asked in a low tone.

I felt her embarrassment but something else. Like she wouldn't care if I followed her. So I did. I got off the bed.

"Draco? What are you-"

"I'm taking a shower," I stated.

"No. You're not," she replied, trying to push me out of the bathroom.

I held my ground, hoping she would let me stay.

"Please love?" I asked, stroking her cheek.

She froze and leaned into my touch for a second. She shook her head.

"Why did you have to be a Veela?!" She groaned. "Draco, your fangs are already coming in. If I let you shower with me I'll get myself marked!"

I groaned, knowing she was right. I pouted as I left the bathroom.


Ugh, first day back was crazy. Four assignments to do tonight. Hermione and I were going to do them together, because we have the same classes.

The second we got to our dorm we got to work.

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