The Jerk

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Hee wasn't in yesterday so Namjoo never got to talk to her. The following day was a dramatic contrast. From the moment Namjoo woke up to the moment she went to sleep Hee was like a wild child dying with the desire to splurge on expensive brand name clothes, go out in public and announce to the world who Kim Namjoo was. Although Namjoo embraced her new title she was not yet used to the public eyes, so she stayed shut in. The imagery of strangers staring, whispering, pointing fingers made her awkward to the point she wasn't sure whether to throw her arms open or hide. Being chased was certainly not in the pictures.

On the third day when she heard nothing from Hyunki, Namjoo was forced to go out to the neighborhood store to grab some groceries – they were running out of food at home and God it would be a miracle of Hee picked up the food for once. The walk to 7-Eleven was a joyride.

Kim Namjoo was an average B-type student. She wasn't someone who caught eyes nor made head turns. Her confidence wasn't that high. Yet, with little to no movement from her heads were already turning. Namjoo even heard gasping when she walked through the glass door.

Wary of watchful eyes, Namjoo shuffled right over to the freezer section. No more than a few seconds went by was she hastily wheeled around.

"Can I get a picture?" a rowdy teenage girl asked. Calling to her friend, "Hurry! Take one!"

Namjoo's eyes inched with surprise when the camera flashed. Without even a thank you the ladies walked away excitedly yapping. Namjoo no better understood what just happened. Turning back to scan the selection of foods Namjoo debated from frozen steak or cheap crispy chicken.

A tap on the shoulder and, "You're from TV. Can I get an autograph?"

No, not on TV yet she wanted to say. She hadn't even received the script for the drama yet.

Into the eyes of the school boy she stared. Then a pad and pen made its way into her hands. Please sign he said. Declining would turn the situation awkward so Namjoo scribbled her name and handed the pad back. His eyes lit up and he bowed a grateful thanks before turning to leave. At the cash register the cashier gasped. "Are you Kai's girlfriend? Oh my god, oh my god. I can't believe you're here!"

If she told the girl she lived nearby her house would become a freak attraction. On the way home Namjoo kept her head low, wishing she had worn a hat. People were staring. She prayed they wouldn't follow her because she wasn't quite used to being followed. It was weird because just yesterday she was some girl no one even paid attention to. As she passed she heard phone cameras going off. What was the big deal? She was just strolling by. Not doing a catwalk.

"Namjoo! Namjoo!" someone frantically called out.

Awkwardly waving Namjoo greeted, "Hi."

"How is Kai doing? You're so lucky," a girl squealed running up to her.

Laughing uncomfortably Namjoo nodded and quickly turned away. She wasn't going to answer.

"How did you two meet? Is he better looking in person? Are you meeting him today? Please, please, please tell me." The girl begged.


"Really? Then when? When? When?" She leaned in so close Namjoo felt her hot breath bouncing off her cheek. Did she know nothing about personal space? The urge to brush her off was strong. Namjoo was no celebrity...yet. Why were people annoying already?

"No comment." Namjoo mumbled.

Cussing Kai underneath her breath she shuffled the rest of the way home.


For three days Jongin did nothing at home. He felt like a corpse in the living. He'd lay down in his bed for hours watching shows off his phone then he'd go into the kitchen, sit and let his mind wander then move into the living room where he'd lay on the couch and watch TV a few more hours.

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