Its was a beautiful day. The Suns soft yellow rays gently hugged everything it touched. The Sky was a cotton candy blue with big white sugar crystals for clouds. Birds chirped and did aerobatics in the air. Neighbors smiled and greeted each other warmly. Every house was different and colorfully expressed the owner proudly.
Even on days like this bad things can happen. Fires, murders,kids being beaten, starved and die. Some kids aren't even born. Not every one was meant to have kids. Not every kid was meant to be born. I, as a writer, don't really believe these morals. But then again I don't believe in much when it comes to kids. Hell, I'm only 15 what do I know. But there is one thing I strongly believe in: Kids should be made from their parents love. Majority of kids were made because their parents what there love to be past on for generations. These kids are lucky. Very lucky.
This story may get dark. And if you've read any of my other books, you know first hand I can get very dark. This book will be different from every other book I have written. If you have any comments on the book, please comment them in the comment. Any questions can be in boxed to me. In all seriousness, I hope this story will make you rethink about how lucky those kids can be.
There will be strong language.
There will be talk of rape, sexual abuse, regular abuse and death
•Keep a box of tissues with you
•Dont forget food
•If there are any problems with the story please let me know so I can address them
•Names of a few songs with be shown. I don't not own these songs or the lyrics. They respectfully go out to the creative artists that made themViewers Discretion Advise