Jack Maynard-Car accident

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A/N: graphic scenes described, prepare yourself!! I cried while writing this!

*Your POV*

It was a cold December morning...

'Cmon Jack, let me choose the song now!', I beg him, I've had enough of listening to Drake over and over again.

He lets me chose so I put on my fave Spotify playlist. We're both dancing and singing and everything is perfect.

High school musical comes on and we both give each other a smile. He grins at me with his perfect smile and I grin straight back at him. As the song starts, we both sing along, acting as if we're in the film.

'Soaringggg, flyingggg', we sing together, both smiling so wide we might explode!!

He makes me so happy. I lean across to rest my hand on his, I'm so obsessed with the person sitting beside me.

As the song finishes, we collapse into a fit of giggles.

'Put another one on!!', he says, still with the biggest smile, and i do as instructed and chose another.

We're both singing our hearts out, when suddenly everything goes wrong, the best moment turned into the worst in a fraction of a second....

It seemed to go in slow motion. Jacks car begins to slip on the ice, and he can't control it. He's trying so hard to turn it but it's not happening. The car loses complete control and it rolls straight off the road. As Jack realises what's happening, he grabs my hand and tells me he loves me, and I tell it him straight back.

Then the impact;everything went black.

I wake up and notice blood dripping from my forehead. My neck is killing me and my arm feels as if it's broken. Everything hurts, I feel as if I'm paralysed. It takes me a while to process what happened.


The thought immediately comes to mind as I realise exactly what happened. I look over to him and can't help but let out a scream.

His face is covered in blood from a huge wound on his forehead and his leg is bloody and covered in cuts and glass from the windscreen.
There's blood everywhere.

I have to get us out. I pull the door handle but it won't open so I kick it as hard as I can and it flies open.

I rush round to Jack as my ankle collapses. It hurts so bad and I look to see it looks possibly broken, but i carry on to get to the drivers side of the car to get Jack out. The door is wedged close again and it seems impossible to open.

'If you don't get him out he's going to die', I hear in my head, which makes me so determined to get it off.

I pull with everything inside me and it opens.

'Jack baby, can you hear me? come on Jack I need you to wake up now', I whisper to him, my hands trembling as I look at his face still covered in dripping blood.

I manage to undo his seatbelt and put my arms under him and ,using all my strength, manage I pull him straight out.

I pull him onto the bank and as I lay him gently I feel myself kneel on a piece of broken glass. But the pain doesn't bother me, I'm completely focused on saving my boyfriend.

'999, we've had a car accident and my boyfriend is hurt please come quick', I say quickly into the phone, not stopping for breath.

'Jack can you hear me?', I whisper, tears running down my cheeks.

I stroke his hair, matted with blood.

'Jack please don't leave me, I need you, you can't go Jack', I say loudly.

I take his cold hand into mine, and hold it to my face.

With trembling hands, I try to find his pulse but I can't.

I realise there's blood pooling next to him, which must be coming from his back.

He can't be dead...

I rest my head on his chest.

He's my soulmate, my best friend, the one I want to be with for the rest of my life and I'm watching him slip away in front of me. I need him, I honestly can't go on without him

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