Chapter 1: The Meeting

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(Y/N) POV:

It's been a year since the world went to shit, I had lost everything, I saw my whole family get eaten right in front of me, I don't feel any emotion anymore, not even sadness towards death anymore. I could just end my life from all the pain and suffering, from everything. I'm trapped in a hotel. I have a bullet left, Should I use it?.

I loaded the gun with the bullet I have left, I thought about the good times. I start to rise it to my head, then I heard someone breaking through the door with three others. I was the bathroom hiding. They must have gotten through the hoard, which means there were strong and most likely going to kill me anyway. I put my finger on the trigger. I was about to pull it but then someone grabbed it out of my hand making me miss my shot. "why, why did you stop me.....are you going to slowly kill me yourself." I said showing no emotion in my voice. "NO, THERE'S ONE THING I KNOW ABOUT THIS WORLD AND IT'S NOT GIVING UP THAT EASY!" A man yelled "NOW ARE YOU GONNA SIT THERE AND DIE OR GET UP AND DO SOMETHING USEFUL!" another yelled. I looked behind one of the guys to see some bandit pointing a gun at the one with brown hair and has a 'M' on his shirt, I ran up and pushed him out of the way just in time. The bullet hit my shoulder instead of his head. "NO YOU ANIMAL!" One of the men yelled. I felt nothing, no pain, not even soreness. "YOU WILL MAKE IT....YO...MAKE....." one guy said but I only caught a little of what he was yelling. I slowly let the darkness take over me. I felt nothing

Nick POV:

"NO YOU ANIMAL!" I screamed seeing Red with the gun that was supposed to shoot me not the girl. "Oops looks like means a nice roast dinner tonight boys," Red said while laughing like a mad man. "YOU WILL MAKE IT! YOU WILL MAKE IT!" Ak screamed over and over again. I saw the girl's eyes closed and see she is sweating so much. I saw Red had gone while I see a lifeless girl laying there. Shark tried to stop the bleeding but it wouldn't word, I ripped off my shirt and wrapped it around her shoulder stopping the bleeding a bit. I listened to a heartbeat. *Thump*...............*Thump.* It was very slow and I knew we have to run to get her to try and save her. Her breathers were ragged and not steady. I picked her up bridal style and ran towards the white house, doctor Jin would know how to help her, I know it. Shark and Ak were right behind me making sure I didn't get jumped by walkers that were in the way, I couldn't stop thinking. Why was she willing to give up so easily, just to die right there for no reason. Then she saves me.........but why?.

~Time skips to the white house~

"GUYS GET JIN QUICK!" Ak and Shark yell. Sky and Jess see the lifeless girl in my arms as I'm running to the couch to put her down on. "WHO IS SHE?!" Sky yells "SOMEONE WHO SAVED MY LIFE!" I yelled back at him with anger showing in my voice. "OH MY GOSH WHAT HAPPENED!" Jin yelled. "SHE WAS SHOT NOW HURRY AND SAVE HER!" I yelled back.

~2-hour time ship brought to you by Red & his team eating a person~


I hear voices, they sound like their arguing about something but I don't care. I start to open my eyes, I'm in some room but I don't remember being here, though. Oh right, I saved that one guy. I start to get up but the pain is too much that I let out an ear-piercing scream. A few moments later someone with a bunch of others just standing around me and staring at me with hate-filled eyes or worrying ones. "Hey, are you alright? you yelled and it sounded painful?" The guy who I saved asked. I played there with no sign of emotion in my eyes what so ever." what's it to you" I said a little harsh" Oh shut it morn, we know what you are, You came here to kill us all because Ross sent you!" A guy with shades yells at me "Who the hell is Ross? And yell at me again and you'll lose your head, GOT IT!" I yelled the last part out. The guy with the shades picked me up by the neck and his grip got tighter until it loosened and he let go. But he was on the ground unconscious. "DON'T EVER TOUCH HER!" One guy yelled while putting the guy who almost killed me in some cuffs. I couldn't breathe, everything was getting blurry. "OH NO! GET JIN AGAIN!" Another guy yells. Then all went black once more.

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