Chapter 17: Please Don't Leave Me!

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Nick's POV:

SHE'S PREGNANT!!!! oh god, oh god, oh god. What am I going to do! "N-nick....are you ok?" She asked getting worried. All I did was walk away lost in thought....

(Y/n) POV:

He....he didn't even respond....he just walked away. I started to cry. 'he is going to leave me....' I thought while falling to the ground in tears. I'm going to have to do this alone.....I can't be alone again......not again.

Aelin's POV:

I was walking down the hall and heard what (Y/n) said. She said she was pregnant and asked Nick If he was worried. I then saw Nick pass by me looking like he was thinking. I then heard sobs. I turned the corner to see (Y/n) in a ball on the ground crying. I ran over to her and hugged her. She just cried into my shoulder. NICK'S SO DEAD THE NEXT TIME I SEE HIM! I carried (Y/n) which was surprisingly easy. She's every light. I ended up at the cafeteria and sat her down while grabbing a bottle of water from a crate. "I'm sorry (Y/n)... I heard everything....I'm here for you and your child if you need anything!" I said trying to make her feel better. She only kept crying

After a few minutes of that Jess walked in with Adam and saw (Y/n) crying. "What happened! What's wrong?" Asked Jess and Adam in sequence. "Come here," I said motioning towards the seats next to us.

After a long explanation of what happened~

"Nick's dead when we find him!" Said a very ticked off Jess. "I can't believe he just left you like that!" Adam said clenching his hands into a fist. "I don't know what to.....I have no one there when I have his baby and......he doesn't even care!" (Y/n) said crying still. "That's It! He's gonna regret leaving you there!" Jess, Adam and I all said

Nick's POV:

I was just thinking.... about (Y/n) being pregnant. I'm just surprised.....scared...happy. I don't know what I feel right now.

I saw Adam, Jess and Aelin looking ticked and walking towards me. I was about to say something when Jess threw a punch to my face that I didn't dodge. Aelin picked me up by my shirt collar and kicked me into the wall. And Adam threw me across the room. "I can't believe you, Nick! You just left her there! She thinks you hate her now!" Adam said while Jess kept hurting me. I deserved it....I did walk away with an answer. "Guy's.....listen I'm sorry. I was just so surprised.....scared...happy...and worried. I couldn't think and it's my fault....let me see her so I can apologise!" I yelled. They looked at each other and looked back at me with a nod.

I made my way to the cafeteria and saw (Y/n) crying there. I walked over to her and took a big breath. She noticed and looked at me. "N-nick.....I'm sorry......I'm sorry!" She said crying again. "Look (Y/n)....I'm not or love you differently. I was just worried about what could happen. But I know leaving you there on the spot was a horrible and selfish of me to do. I'm sorry...I'm happy to be a father. To have a kid...I just wish that I wouldn't have reacted the way I did." I say looking down in disappointment. She stood up and walked over to me. She pulled my chin up and kissed me. "It's ok. I forgive you" she says while hugging me. 'I never thought I would be a dad.....'.

I'M ALIVE, Sorry if I haven't been on much, been planning some stuff for the upcoming holidays, also my birthday is only a month away from today turning 19, wow I feel so old. Anyways here chapter 17 hope you enjoy it as much I enjoy writing it, Also I still need names for the baby if you have any please feel free to comment down the names

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