Percy's Ancestory

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Percy sat in his livingroom, his wife Annabeth Chase Jackson leaning against him and his three month old daughter Isabella Sally Jackson on his lap right next to Annabeth. Their house was a few blocks away from camp, right on the beach. Percy had used up his resources for summoning creating the house for His and Annabeth's life when they had gotten married. His mind wandered. He thought about his adventures with Annabeth. The thing that came to mind first was Tartarus. He could sense the primordial's unrest. He was rising. He already has risen. But it didn't cause much trouble so the campers left it alone. He remembered his nightmares and the flashbacks. They still came if he wasn't next to one of his friends. He smiled, as long as he was with his family, he would be fine. He looked down at his daughter. Bella looked just like him when it came to basic appearance, but she had her mother's jawline, nose and lips. Her eyes changed color depending on her mood and/or wish. They changed from sea-green, to stormy gray, to silver to black. Her grandmother Lupa, showing quite well when little Bella was angry. And her grandmother Athena showing when she seemed to be thinking. He looked up at the pictures on the end table. His and Annabeth's wedding, the happiest day of his life; the day Annabeth and he brought little Isabella home for the first time, and the day Percy had proposed to Annabeth on the beach by the lake. He smiled,
"Those were really specials days." he heard Annabeth say, he turned to face her,
"They really were wise girl." he said, kissing her forehead. Suddenly the fountain in the corner began to shimmer. An image of his sister India Blofis appeared.
"Hey Percy, mom needs you to come home, she wants you to meet someone."
"Now?" I asked her,
"Yup, she said it's important." she replied, pushing a strand of brown hair from her blue eyes.
"Alright, I'll be there soon." he said, standing up to leave,
"Oh! Also you need to come in through the regular entrance, these people don't know about the mythological world." Percy nodded. He swiped his hand through the picture and hung up. Annabeth looked at him worriedly,
"You'll be back soon right?" she asked, Percy nodded,
"And if not, you know I'll call." he chuckled, she smiled, Percy leaned down further and kissed Bella on the forehead, before giving Annabeth a quick kiss before teleporting outside his mom's apartment.

Albus and Severus were standing outside Sally Blofis's door.
"You're sure this is the right place?" Sev- you know what? I'm just gonna call them Dumbledore and Snape.- Snape asked,
"Yes Severus. This is the place." he knocked, a muffled "Coming." was heard before a woman with brown hair and blue eyes opened the door. She saw Dumbledore and her smile fell.
"Dumbledore?" Before Dumbledore could reply she cut him off, "Why are you here?"
"Your son Percy, I believe, has been found to have magic. We would like to offer him a place at Hogwarts. May we come in to speak with him?"
"Yes but he isn't here and besides, he's just over twenty years old." she said, allowing them inside,
"Sally? Who is it?"
"Paul, why don't you come see?" she said chuckling, a man with salt and pepper hair walked in, an eight year old girl, strikingly resembling Sally behind him. He stood shocked in the doorway,
"India, dear, why don't you go call Percy, tell him he needs to come over, it's important." she said, her daughter nodded, "Also tell him to come through the lobby, I'd like him to pick up the mail." she said slowly, her daughter nodded in understanding,
"Sure mom." before going into another room. Sally turned back to Dumbledore,
"My Son should be here soon. Why don't we sit?" she asked, Paul sat down in an armchair next to his wife.
"Now Sally, it seems that though you do not possess any magic, your son does and even though he is above age, I would like to offer him a place at Hogwarts."
"Hold on a minute." Paul broke in, "Magic?"
"My parents were wizards, I don't have any magic but it seems that Percy does." she said,
"How could you not have any magic if your parents did? And who are they?" said India, appearing from the hallway,
"It happens, we are called squibs, and this is Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and I am unsure as to who this man here is." she proclaimed, gesturing to Snape,
"I am Severus Snape." he said, suddenly there was a knock on the door and a young man with raven black hair and sea-green eyes walked in. He surveyed the room and when his eyes landed on Dumbledore he asked,
"Who is this? Gandalf?"
"I am Albus Dumbledore and this is Severus Snape. We are teachers." he asked, he nodded,
"Percy sit down. I have a lot to tell you." she said, she explained much, everything, and hesitated at the end,
"Now why now? Why offer my son a place at your school now?"
"We believe his grandfather will try to find him and recruit him. We found out not to long ago and it won't be long until the dark lord does as well."
"Wait a minute, hold up." Percy broke in, "My grandfather is evil?" Snape nodded, "And he wants to recruit into his squad so that I can help him..." he gestured for an explanation,
"First off the "squad" is called death eaters-" Percy began to laugh. Hard.
"Who would want to eat death?" he asked, "It is a name to inspire fear and your grandfather and his followers wish to rid the world of all who shouldn't, in his opinion, perform magic. Muggleborns and Half Bloods." Percy froze,
"Half Bloods?"
"Wizards with one muggle, non-magic person, parent and one wizard parent. Muggleborns are wizards with two muggle parents." Percy relaxed,
"So you want me to come learn at your school in Britain for 11-17 year-olds which I wouldn't fit in with, to protect me?" he asked, Dumbledore nodded. "I don't need protecting."
"Percy, maybe you should go. Not only would it help keep you safe, but you will be able to learn something new. But, it's up to you." Percy thought about it,
"Fine. I'll go, I mean it would be cool to learn magic. But how am I going to fit in. I'm over twenty years old." he decided, Dumbledore smiled.
"There is such thing as a deaging potion, at the end of each year we will give you the antidote. We shall return tomorrow after you pack and Severus can take you to get your supplies." Snape nodded, and the two stood up, bid the family goodbye and left. Percy turned to his family.
"Cool. Now I gotta go pack, and talk to Chiron and Annabeth." he said,

Hey, thanks for reading next chapter should come out soon m. Updates will be very slow though so don't be surprised if it takes a while. Comment your ideas and constructive criticism as well as tips are welcome.

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