Diagon Alley

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Percy returned home, and found Annabeth sitting on the couch waiting for him.
"Well?" she asked,
"Turns out my adoptive grandpa is evil, and a wizard, I can do magic as well, and I need to go to a school to learn this magic." Percy said, Annabeth frowned, and Percy sighing explained the details.
"You're leaving?" she asked, Percy nodded, "Well, since you're going, I'll need to give you something for the dreams." she said, she thought and took off her engagement ring, why she still wore it after the wedding Percy didn't know.
"Here, use this. Put it on your necklace." Percy did as instructed, he thought for a moment. He then reached to his hand. He took off his wedding ring. He presented it to her.
"No, Percy I can't take that." she protested,
"Take it, I can't wear it as a 17 year old anyway. It will just seem strange and result in a lot of questions." he said, he smiled reassuringly at her. She smiled back at him and took the ring, a silver band and put it on her necklace. She kissed him, before Percy pulled away to go pack. He grabbed a duffel bag, and stuffed some t-shirts and jeans, socks, underwear, sweatshirts and a pack of ambrosia and nectar. He also packed a photo of himself, Annabeth, Bella and the rest of the seven along with Nico, at a carnival for Hazel's birthday. Annabeth had schooled him in dart throwing. Once Percy was done packing he quickly ran to the big house. After a quick run he made it to the big house and found Chiron on the porch.
"Chiron." he called, the centaur looked up at Percy and smiled,
"What is it Percy?" he asked, and percy launched into an explanation.
"So basically I won't be able to teach during the school year."
"Yes, but you were adopted, I don't understand."
"They don't know that and if they gave me a blood test it would just prove their theory because of the mist. There's no way around it." Percy said, Chiron nodded,
"Of course. Now you should head home and rest for your journey." Percy nodded, and went home. He walked upstairs finding Annabeth putting Bella down for bed. Walking in he kissed his daughter on the forehead,
"Goodnight my little angel." he said, taking Annabeth in his arms and turning off the light on his way out. He climbed into bed and Annabeth cuddled up close to him. Percy kissed her forehead,
"You'll call and visit right?" she asked,
"Of course." he said, before falling into a dreamless sleep.

The next day, Percy picked up his bag and swung it over his shoulder. Annabeth came up to him, Bella in her arms,
"Bye Percy, I'll miss you." she said, pulling him into a hug, Percy hugged her back,
"I'll miss you too." he said, he then leaned down and kissed his daughter's head, before connecting his mouth to his wife's. He pulled away and turned around.
"And don't forget to call and visit." she called after him as he began to head down the driveway,
"When I do call I'll look seventeen, but I will." he called back, "I love you." he said, he flashed away to his mom's apartment, not leaving Annabeth time to answer.

Meanwhile back at the burrow,
"WHAT?!!!!!" Harry exclaimed, he couldn't believe what he was hearing,
"Yes, Harry, Lord Voldemort does indeed have a grandson. I am leaving to pick him up right now. He will be staying with you until school starts." Dumbledore replied, and he left with a crack as he disapparated. Harry instinctively hated the boy. He was obviously evil, he was probably going to look like Tom Riddle before he became lord Voldemort. Dark hair and eyes, pale and evil. He was probably already recruited into the death eaters.

He arrived at his mom's apartment just before Gandalf. When he did arrive, Snape was with him.
"Are you packed Percy?" Percy nodded, his mom, his sister India and Paul all walked into the room.
"Bye guys. I'll see you soon." he said, before hugging each of them goodbye,
"Promise to call?" she asked, "I want to know all about it."
"Of course. I promise." She hugged him one more time.
"Alright Percy grab ahold of Professor Snape's arm. He'll take you to get your supplies." Percy did as instructed mentally asking himself why wizards are so weird. Suddenly the air seemed to warp around him. It was like a roller coaster. When they landed Snape seemed surprised,
"You know, most people puke after their first time apparating."
"Guess I'm not most people." Percy replied cheekily,

(I'm going to skip most of the school shopping, because honestly you know the drill, owls attack percy, Percy hates books, Percy has a vault from his dad... etc.)

They were standing outside the wand shop. They walked in.
"Hello?" Percy called, it seemed to be empty. Suddenly a ladder slid from the back. A man, with wiry silver hair and misty gray eyes was standing on it. He seemed surprised to see Percy.
"My, if it isn't Percy Jackson. Well I know exactly which wand to give you." He pulled out his own wand and summoned a box. Inside was a wand. A beautiful wand. It was made with a silver wood, although the handle was seagreen. Written in greek on the wand was the word sea wolf, with black lettering. Just above the grip was a deep blue trident, and a silver moon. On the handle was a stormy gray letter. The letter P. Percy smiled looking at it. He picked it up and immediately felt a rush of warmth run through his hand all through him. He waved the wand. SIlver, blue and black sparks flew from the tip. He smiled,
"Well done! Well done indeed!" the man said,
"I'm sorry but I never got your name."
"Ollivander. My boy, this wand that you hold is powerful, very powerful. Only a true hero could claim it." Percy smiled again, Snape then turned to Percy.
"If we are done, I will give you your potion and we can bring you to where you will be staying until Hogwarts." He drawled, Percy paid seven galleons and followed Snape out the door. He was then given a small bottle, with a clear liquid inside.
"A deaging potion. It should make you seem sixteen."
"If I have too." Percy sighed, he gulped the potion down in one gulp. Suddenly Snape seemed to grow taller. After two seconds of this Percy realized he was shrinking.
"Now take my arm, I will bring you to your temporary home.

They arrived at a row of town houses. Percy noticed number 12 was missing, suddenly the building began to shake. It began to move, one part, numbers 1-11, sliding to the left, dragging another part of the building from inside the other half, it was dark and looked lonely. Next to the door with fadded numbers, was well... the number, 12. Percy's mouth rounded to form a perfect O. They walked inside.

Alright!!!! New Chapter and cliffhanger. Although everyone know what's going to happen soooooo.... yeah...


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