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Percy P.O.V.

I could see them. Bella. India. I could hear Bella crying, calling out.
"MOMMY!!! DADDY!!!" I wanted so badly to be able to save her, India was chained up, Bella next to her in a crib. I watched as a masked figure entered the cell.
"Now... India Blofis... how nice of you and your niece to join us." He drawled, she glared and tugged at the chains.
"How dare you do this! Percy'll-"
"Join us once he realizes it'll ensure your safety and freedom."
"No he won't! He'll find us and he'll save us and he'll stop you!" She cried, "so you may as well set us free now."
"How do we contact him?" He pulled out his wand,
"You don't. You physically can't. He has no phone and owls hate him." She told him,
"Then how is it he'll find out you're gone? Surely he would need to be contacted? Unless..." India shifted uncomfortably. "He already knows." She scowled, he laughed. "Ha!"
"He won't ever join you! He'll stop you!"
"Crucio" She started screaming in pain. I yelled out for him to stop. I willed the mask off his face, I saw nothing, just void. It had to be some spell. He stopped as it clattered to the ground, Bella was crying. I went over to her, I put my hand on her cheek,
"It's ok princess, it's me, it's daddy. I'll be there soon, ok? Just hold on for me." I whispered, she nodded her little head.
"He's here, or watching." The vois spoke,
"Listen here Jackson, if you want to see them alive, I suggest you reevaluate which side you will fight for. Soon."

I shot up, gasping. They were alive. He tortured India. I had to know where they are. I have to. If I lost them, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. What do they want? Suddenly I knew what to do.
"You alright mate?" Ron asked groggily, I nodded silently, before slipping out of the room. The moon was just past full. I rushed, quickly heading into the woods. Bending the wards some, I shifted. Black fur growing, my bones and muscles rearranging themselves, my teeth elongating, my ears reshaping into triangles. I stood, at a proper 2 meter height. I was a wolf. A black wolf, with silver crown like hairs. I sat, and howled. Calling all the werewolves. They showed up, human but they showed. As soon as the saw me, they bowed. I changed back, only needing the wolf shape to reveal myself.
"My king." They greeted,
"Who here is high ranking in the the dark lord's army?" I asked, one man stood. He looked like he hadn't fully turned back.
"I am, sire."
"Your name?"
"Fenrir Greyback, sire." His head bowed,
"Do you know what your lord has done?"
"My king?" He asked,
"He took my daughter, Isabella." I told him, fuming, he shot up, completely bewildered. "Yes, and I need you to do something for me. You attend meetings? And hear all the plans and such?"
"As long as it concerns me, most of them are afraid of me, due to my... condition they like to call it." He revealed,
"I need you to keep me up to date on his plans, if you cannot skip away undetected send another wolf, I need to know right away. Finding any weaknesses in the stronghold as well as the location of their prison. I must know immediately." He bowed,
"Yes my king. I will do as you ask." He told me, "do not think you can deceive me, I sense loyalty, and I know you were loyal to him."
"No more. My king. I am only loyal to you."
"If all goes well then, a reward may be in store for all those cursed with bloodlust." He bowed, those who are loyal will still receive the reward anyways, I thought
"Yes my king, thank you my king."
"Any of you actively defying him?" Naturally Remus Lupin stepped forward, I motioned to come closer. He stood in front of me.
"Ahnti coalas distue tehlasi." I incanted, resting my hand on his forehead. And with that, his scruffy appearance shifted, he lost his raggedy hair and now looked well groomed.
"You are now a wolfblood. You may turn at will, and you lose the monstrous appearance. No longer are you craving human flesh, and you will stay in control on full moons. Full moons you will still turn unwillingly, though." I explained, he stared wide eyed, he bowed.
"Thank you."
"No problem. I prefer less bloodshed caused by wolves, no need to thank me." I turned to Greyback, "if you succeed, the same will be granted to you." He bowed. "Now go. All of you." I turned and left. Heading back to the castle.

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